Are Freemasons and the Masonic lodge the same?

Technically, Freemasons meet as a lodge not in a lodge. In this context, the word “lodge” refers to a local chapter of Freemasons, meeting as a body. However, the term is often misused to refer to the buildings or rooms that Masons meet in.

What is the purpose of the Masonic lodge?

It is a tight-knit group of men who make solemn vows to one another and become comrades in Masonry and life. Above all, a Masonic lodge represents open arms, a helping hand, and brotherly love to every Mason, anywhere, at any time.

What exactly is a free mason?

Freemasonry, the teachings and practices of the fraternal (men-only) order of Free and Accepted Masons, the largest worldwide secret society—an oath-bound society, often devoted to fellowship, moral discipline, and mutual assistance, that conceals at least some of its rituals, customs, or activities from the public ( …

What is the oldest Masonic lodge in the world?

The oldest written records for a Masonic lodge belong to Aitchison’s Haven kn Muddelburgh, UK. They date back to 9 Jan 1599. The oldest written records for a Masonic lodge that is still in existence today are from The Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel), No 1, Uk. They date back to 31 July 1599.

What kind of religion is the Masonic Lodge?

The Masonic Lodge (and its rituals) is, in reality, paganism in disguise. Only Satan could devise a ceremony, which could so commonly be shared throughout the world by Protestant Orangemen, Masons and Witches alike.

What does the third degree of the Masonic Lodge teach?

The Masonic Lodge third degree lecture teaches that the “All-Seeing Eye whom the Sun Moon and Stars obey, and under whose watchful care even comets perform their stupendous revolutions, beholds the innermost recesses of the human heart, and will reward us according to our works” (Beyond The Light’ p. 136).

Who are the Grand Officers of a Masonic Lodge?

Lodges are governed by national, state or provincial authorities, usually called Grand Lodges or Grand Orients, whose published constitutions define the structure of freemasonry under their authority, and which appoint Grand Officers from their senior masons.

Is the Lodge of instruction a warranted lodge?

In some jurisdictions in the United States, the lodge of instruction serves as a warranted lodge for candidate instruction in other aspects of Freemasonry besides ritual rehearsal, as well as hosting a speaker on topics both Masonic and non-Masonic.