Are hostas good around trees?

Placed on the north or east side of a home or in a tree-shaded area, hostas typically thrive. Lakowske does have one caveat about placing a hosta under a shade tree: “Don’t put them under maple trees. It’s tempting to do.

How close to a tree can you plant hostas?

You don’t want to put your hostas right tight to the tree’s trunk, despite what a lot of people may think. Instead, you want to give the tree at least 12 inches of space. You should get a trowel and dig a small hole that is just large enough for your hosta’s root ball or roots.

Can you plant hostas near tree roots?

Dig a hole at least as deep as the root ball of the hosta you want to plant and one-to-two times wider. If you encounter a large feeder root during excavation, work around it; a hosta will grow around a tree root without any problems so long as it is deep enough.

What plants look good with hostas?

Astilbe, ferns, geraniums, and shady-friendly bulbs are great companions for hostas. Two of our favorites: bleeding hearts and heuchera. Bleeding heart (dicentra) plants provide delicate flowers and elegant, arching branches — the perfect contrast to bold, shiny, or variegated hosta plants.

Will hostas grow under evergreen trees?

Some plants that will do fairly well under evergreen trees include Azaleas , Woodland Sunflowers , Hostas , Jacob’s Ladder , Lily of the Valley , and Ivory Sedge .

How long does it take hostas to spread?

So, How Fast Do Hostas Grow? I found that, after sprouting, hosta plants will grow at about 1/2 inch per day and reach full growth in about 30 to 35 days.

Do hostas grow well under pine trees?

Hostas are shade loving plants that can grow well under pine trees if organic matter is added to the soil before planting. Water the hosta, ideally will a slow soak, drip line to counter the dry conditions under a pine tree canopy. Add fertilizer as the soil under pine trees may be lacking in nutrients.

What is the best place to plant hostas?

Where to Plant Hostas. To plant hostas, select a spot that receives partial to full shade. Most types of hostas can withstand morning sun but prefer a shady setting. It’s important to know that these perennials grow best in soil that’s fertile and full of organic matter.

Do hostas come back every year?

Hostas are perennials, which means they will come back bigger and better every year. Most hostas grow well in Zones 3 to 9. These versatile shade plants form a mound of leaves but vary greatly by variety, offering differences in plant size, leaf shape, and leaf color.

Do hosta grow well under pine trees?

Do hostas grow well under spruce trees?

I have had excellent success growing hostas under and near spruce. The trick is to find a niche between the roots and then dig down, removing the soil and replacing it with a rich soil or compost mix. The hostas never reached full size but they still perform well and look nice in the shade of the tree.