Are MERV 13 filters bad?

Minimum Particle Size Filters within a MERV rating of 17-20 are almost never necessary in a residential home. A MERV rating of 13-16 is considered hospital level air quality, so it is unlikely your home needs any more than that.

Are MERV 12 filters good?

MERV 9–12 (better): The best option for residential use. These air filters can remove pollutants as small as 1–3 microns, which includes particles like humidifier dust, auto emissions and legionella. Particles this small include bacteria, tobacco smoke and even the contaminants in sneezes.

Do higher MERV filters restrict airflow?

Generally, a filter with a higher MERV rating will reduce airflow. However, there are many other factors at play such as the size of the filter and the type of blower motor in your HVAC system. Filters for central HVAC systems are usually the primary form of particle removal for residential and commercial buildings.

Is a MERV 5 filter good?

MERV 5-8 Filters: MERV ratings of 5 to 8 indicate a medium-quality filter that’s sufficient for most homes. They trap particles as small as 3 microns, which include mold spores, animal dander, and the highly allergenic droppings of dust mites.

Is MERV 13 necessary?

Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values, or MERV, reports a filter’s ability to capture particles. Filters with MERV-13 or higher ratings can trap smaller particles, including viruses. By itself, using an upgraded HVAC filter is not enough to protect people from COVID-19.

Is MERV 12 too high for HVAC?

9-12 MERV – These filters are more efficient and usually offer the best indoor air quality improvement for residential applications. Deep pleated filters fall into this category. Because they work so well at removing airborne pollutants, they must be regularly checked to ensure proper airflow.

Can I use MERV 12 instead of 11?

MERV 12 filters trap 80 to 89 percent of average particles of 1.0 to 3.0 microns, with an average particle size efficiency of 90 percent or better. As you can see, they’re pretty close. That’s why you’re just as good going with a MERV 11 as with a MERV 12. You will get decent results from either.

Are MERV 14 filters bad for HVAC?

MERV 14 is too strong for most home HVAC systems. And these are some of the best on the market. MERV is an industry-standard, or rating. The abbreviation stands for Minimum Effective Reporting Value. In other words, it’s a measurement showing how small the holes are in the filter.

Is MERV 5 too low?

Learn the basics of the minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) system to choose the best filter for your air conditioner, heat pump or furnace. MERV 5 to 12 filters trap small to large particles, and shouldn’t restrict airflow – if you regularly change the filter.

What is MERV number?

MERV stands for “minimum efficiency reporting value” and the MERV rating is a measure of how effectively a filter removes particles from the air that passes through it. The higher the MERV rating, the more particles the filter will catch.