Are old sets of encyclopedias worth anything?

Though a lack of relevance renders most complete encyclopedia set values at less than $75, there are some rare editions that have historical value. Older sets of encyclopedias can carry excellent value as well, especially if they’re in good condition.

What edition is the 1959 Encyclopedia Britannica?

Fourteenth edition

author article(s)
Clement Attlee Lansbury, George (1959)
Sir Derek H.R. Barton Conformational Analysis, Principle of, in part (1961)
Jacques Barzun Berlioz, Hector (1963)
George Wells Beadle East, Edward Murray (1960); Watson, James Dewey (1967)

How much does a set of encyclopedias cost?

Encyclopedias written for adults — as opposed to children’s sets — cost thousands. Encyclopaedia Britannica, for example, charges $1,399 for the standard hardback version of its popular 32-volume Encyclopaedia Britannica for adults. Collier’s standard set of encyclopedias costs $1,499.

What can you do with old encyclopedias?

Recycling encyclopedias Call your local library and ask if you may donate your set to be sold. Put it up for giveaway on If they’re really old — say, more than 100 years — call a rare bookseller and ask if they’re worth anything. Find out if a local recycler takes them.

Does anyone collect old encyclopedias?

Encyclopedias. Most donation centers accept books, but getting rid of your encyclopedia collection is a little trickier. Try boxing up your encyclopedias and dropping them off at a local used bookstore. If you’re looking for a more purposeful use for your old encyclopedias, try local schools and libraries.

How do I find the value of antique books?

One very simple method of finding an approximate value of a book is to search for similar copies on and see what prices are being asked. The sellers on offer for sale new, used, rare and out-of-print books, and we have millions of used and rare books available for purchase.

What year is the 15th edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica?

…was the 15th edition of Encyclopædia Britannica (1974), which was designed in large part to enhance……

What year did they stop making encyclopedias?

Now, with a sweeping selection of information available online with a few quick taps, encyclopedias have become about as useful as telephone directories. Encyclopedia Britannica ceased print production in 2012.

Are encyclopedias reliable?

Encyclopedias are collections of short, factual entries often written by different contributors who are knowledgeable about the topic. Therefore, encyclopedias are reliable sources of information because they have been edited by experts in various fields.