Can a bundle branch block go away?

Unfortunately LBBB is not reversible. In your case, in the absence of any structural heart disease and symptoms, the overall risk of cardiovascular morbidity or mortality should be very low.

Can you live a normal life with left bundle branch block?

In young and healthy people, left bundle branch block is rare. This condition seems to have little effect on how long you live if you have no other underlying heart problems. You may not need any treatment at all, . especially when you have no other disease affecting your heart.

Is a left bundle branch block considered heart disease?

A left bundle branch block usually is a sign of an underlying heart disease, including dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, high blood pressure, aortic valve disease, coronary artery disease and other heart conditions.

How serious is a left bundle branch block?

In older people with coronary artery disease, left bundle branch block is associated with greater risk of death. This is especially true for people with heart failure. Left bundle branch block is also linked to a greater risk of death after a heart attack.

What is left bundle branch?

Left bundle branch block (LBBB) is a disorder which affects the heart. Normally, the electrical signals which cause cardiac muscle to contract pass through specialized heart tissue called the Bundle of His before dividing into right and left branches.

How do you identify right bundle branch block?

Bundle branch blocks are diagnosed by a 12-lead electrocardiogram (EKG) and specifically identified as right or left-sided depending on the specific shape and length of the QRS complex, the pictorial representation of the ventricles’ contraction traced on the EKG paper.

How serious is LBBB?

Complications. This can slow your heart rate, which can cause fainting and lead to serious complications and abnormal heart rhythms. People who have a heart attack and develop a left bundle branch block have a higher chance of complications, including sudden cardiac death , than do people who don’t develop the condition after a heart attack.

What is a branch bundle?

Bundle branches. The bundle branches, or Tawara branches, are offshoots of the bundle of His in the heart’s ventricle. They play an integral role in the electrical conduction system of the heart by transmitting cardiac action potentials from the bundle of His to the Purkinje fibers .