Can a reference mention attendance?

Answer. When giving a reference most employers will give you a reference template to fill in and most of the time the questions asked will be around the employee’s ability, conduct, timekeeping and attendance.

How do you evaluate attendance?

  1. Remember than employee attendance is more than whether an employee is tardy or leaves early.
  2. Make employee attendance evaluations easier by clarifying, in writing, what you expect of your employees.
  3. Document each time an employee is not present at work, and write down the reason why.

How do you describe attendance?

One option is to briefly highlight your attendance record. For instance, mention you only missed a handful of days while working several years for a previous employer because of illness. You might also mention how you were rarely late and how serious you take punctuality.

Does my employer have to give me a reference?

There is no legal obligation to provide a reference except in a few sectors, such as financial services, but any reference that is provided must be true, accurate and fair. Your employer owes a duty both to you and any prospective employer.

What are employers allowed to ask references?

The standard questions you should expect potential employers to ask your references include:

  • “Can you confirm the start and end dates of the candidate’s employment at your company?”
  • “What was the candidate’s job title? Can you briefly explain some of their responsibilities in the role?”
  • “How do you know the candidate?”

What can a job reference legally say?

You can legally state facts in response to a reference request. These facts may include whether your ex-employee failed a company drug test, the results of which were officially documented. In this case, you can legally state that your employee was fired or let go due to testing positive on a company drug test.

How do you address attendance for an employee evaluation?

Attendance and Punctuality Performance Appraisal Phrases

  1. is very prompt at the start of each work day.
  2. manages his staff to a great attendance score.
  3. demonstrates the secret to success is not who works the longest, but who works the smartest.

What is attendance and punctuality?

Regular attendance and punctuality are vital attributes for all employees. It is important for employees to attend work regularly and to arrive at work on time, because failure to do so detrimentally affects employee morale and productivity.

How do you describe work attendance?

Workplace attendance is the hours and days that employees show up for work. For employers, it’s important to know if and when their employees are showing up as scheduled.

Do employers check all 3 references?

Most employers will call your references only if you are the final candidate or one of the final two. Occasionally the final three or four. Every now and then an employer will check all the people they interview, although to me that’s inconsiderate of the reference.

What does attendance mean in a performance review?

The sample of performance review phrases for attendance is a great/helpful tool for periodical/annual job performance appraisal. Note that, an attendance review phrase can be positive or negative and your performance review can be effective or bad/poor activity for your staffs.

Which is an example of the importance of attendance?

Alex helps colleagues to plan their daily workload and remain as productive as it is possible. Stephen clocks in at least ten minutes early every day. Tom sets an example with his perfect attendance. Teresa often outperforms other members of the team thanks to her excellent attendance and punctuality.

Who is reliable in attendance and punctuality?

Cara is one of our most reliable employees who arrives on-time and leaves on-time. Her break times are perfectly timed – she really sets the standard for attendance and punctuality on the team. Jim arrives each day fully prepared to tackle his responsibilities. Heather is reliable and does not have any attendance problems.

How does Bill manage employees to a great attendance score?

Bill manages his employees to a great attendance score which shows frequency among the top performers in the company for on-time arrivals. Jane strictly follows the plan and assists her co-workers to do the same. Phil appreciates his employees who express respect for him in compliance with schedule and tasks.