Can ELB redirect http to HTTPS?

Classic Load Balancers can’t redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS. Instead, you can include rewrite rules on the web servers of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances behind your Classic Load Balancer. You must configure your rewrite rules to use the X-Forwarded-Proto header and redirect only HTTP clients.

How do I redirect http to HTTPS?

There is another way, page rules.

  1. Go to Page Rules.
  2. Click “Create Page Rule”
  3. Enter the URL (put the asterisk, so redirection happens for all the URI)
  4. Click “Add a Setting” and select “Always Use HTTPS” from the drop-down.

How can I set up HTTP to HTTPS redirections on ELB using Apache backend servers?

To enable this in the console, do the the following:

  1. Go to your Load Balancer in EC2 and tab “Listeners”
  2. Select “View/edit rules” on your HTTP listener.
  3. Delete all rules except for the default one (bottom)
  4. Edit default rule: choose “Redirect to” as an action, leave everything as default and enter “443” as a port.

How do I redirect with ALB?


  1. Open the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) console.
  2. On the navigation pane, choose Load Balancers under Load Balancing.
  3. Select your load balancer, and then choose Listeners.
  4. Choose View/edit rules for the load balancer listener that you want to use.
  5. Choose the Add rule icon (the plus sign).

How do I redirect http traffic to HTTPS on my application load balancer?

Select a load balancer, and then choose HTTP Listener. Under Rules, choose View/edit rules. Choose Edit Rule to modify the existing default rule to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. Or, insert a rule between the existing rules (if appropriate for your use case).

How do you use ALB?

Steps. Create an AWS Application Load Balancer by going to EC2 management console. You want HTTPS site redirection also then you can add HTTPS listener by clicking on Add listener. You also need to have an ACM certificate in the same region else you can’t create ALB with HTTPS listener.

How do I redirect http traffic to HTTPS on my application load balancer in ELB?

Create an HTTP listener rule that redirects HTTP requests to HTTPS

  1. Open the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) console.
  2. On the navigation pane, under LOAD BALANCING, choose Load Balancers.
  3. Select a load balancer, and then choose Listeners, Add listener.
  4. For Protocol: port, choose HTTP.

How do I redirect http to HTTPS in Elastic Beanstalk?

  1. In your Elastic Beanstalk application, go to Configuration -> Network Tier -> Load Balancing and click the gear icon.
  2. Select Secure listener port as 443. Select Protocol as HTTPS.
  3. Go to your Console. Click EC2 Instances.
  4. Go back to your Console.
  5. Set up the distribution.
  6. Click on your distribution name in CloudFront.

How do I redirect a URL to another URL in AWS?

For Static website hosting, choose Edit. For Hosting type, choose Redirect requests for an object. Enter the Host name (the new redirected location or, and then choose the protocol for the new domain. Choose Save.

Can a classic load balancer redirect HTTP traffic to https?

Classic Load Balancers can’t redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS. Instead, you can include rewrite rules on the web servers of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances behind your Classic Load Balancer. You must configure your rewrite rules to use the X-Forwarded-Proto header and redirect only HTTP clients.

How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Google Cloud?

Redirecting traffic to your HTTPS load balancer 1 In the Google Cloud Console, go to the Load balancing page. Go to Load balancing 2 Under HTTP (S) load balancing, click Start configuration. 3 Select From Internet to my VMs, and then click Continue. 4 For the Name of the load balancer, enter web-map-http. 5 Keep the window open to continue.

How to redirect a website to HTTPS or WWW?

The following .htaccess technique redirects qualified requests to the https and www versions of your web pages. Add to your site’s root .htaccess file: This code does the following: When placed in the root .htaccess, this technique covers all requests, providing complete https/www canonicalization for your site.

Which is the IP address for the load balancer?

The –address flag specifies lb-ipv4-1, which is the same IP address used for the external HTTPS load balancer. When you are finished, the Cloud Console displays two load balancers, as follows. The Cloud Console displays information about your web-map-http load balancer as follows.