Can guinea pigs have a ramp in their cage?

Guinea pigs are most comfortable walking on solid, flat surfaces, so a ramp is the best thing to use if you need to give your animals something to walk up and down. If your guinea pigs’ cage doesn’t have much room for a ramp, you can buy or make one which doubles back on itself.

What angle should a guinea pig ramp be?

For most mass produced guinea pig houses, the ramps are set between 45 & 65 degrees!! Imagine walking up that every time you wanted a drink or feed!! This is why most stay on the bottom level. They are that incline because the length of cage is too short to allow a more gentle slope!

Are guinea pigs OK with ramps?

In general guinea pigs will climb safely over small ramps, tunnels or a step. However, a guinea pig can easily injure itself from falling, even from a small height, so keep obstacles low and secure to prevent accidents.

How do I get my guinea pig to go up a ramp?

How To Train A Guinea Pig To Go Up A Ramp

  1. Start With Your Guinea Pig’s Favorite Treats.
  2. Show Your Guinea Pig That You Have The Treats.
  3. Place Your Guinea Pig’s Treats On The Ramp And At The Top.
  4. Let Your Guinea Pig Start Exploring The Ramp.
  5. Keep Putting Treats On The Ramp.

Why won’t my guinea pig go up the ramp?

Keep Putting Treats On The Ramp If you notice that one of your guinea pigs still won’t go all the way up the ramp, then try placing the treats further and further up it so that the treats are out of their reach from the floor of the cage.

Why won’t my guinea pig use the ramp?

Some Guinea Pigs Will Not Always Want To Use The Ramp Most of the time this usually happens if they see their cage mate confidently go up and down the ramp. So it’s usually best if you have a little bit of patience with your guinea pig as they take their time figuring it out.

Do guinea pigs prefer dark or light?

Yes, guinea pigs definitely love to sleep in the dark. Guinea pigs are crepuscular animals and generally sleep in small paces of 3-10 minutes. However, if you can give them a dark and quiet environment, they feel much more secure and can take a longer nap than they take during the day.