Can Raynaud disease affect your legs?

There is associated tiredness, joint pain, mouth ulcers, hair loss and Raynaud’s. This is a chronic disorder characterised by persistent warmth, pain and redness, mainly affecting the feet and lower legs. The majority of sufferers also experience Raynaud’s symptoms.

What does Raynaud’s look like on toes?

Raynaud’s disease causes smaller arteries that supply blood flow to the skin to narrow in response to cold or stress. The affected body parts, usually fingers and toes, might turn white or blue and feel cold and numb until circulation improves, usually when you get warm.

Can Raynaud’s disease affect your feet?

Raynaud’s phenomenon mainly affects hands and feet. If you have Raynaud’s phenomenon, your hands may change colour in cold weather and there may be pain, tingling and numbness. These attacks often only last a few minutes, but they can last two to three hours.

How do you treat Raynaud’s feet?

To widen blood vessels and increase blood flow, your doctor might prescribe: Calcium channel blockers. These drugs relax and open small blood vessels in your hands and feet, reducing the severity and number of attacks in most people with Raynaud’s. These drugs can also help heal skin ulcers on your fingers or toes.

Does Raynaud’s affect feet?

Why do my legs and feet turn purple when standing?

Livedo reticularis is thought to be due to spasms of the blood vessels or an abnormality of the circulation near the skin surface. It makes the skin, usually on the legs, look mottled and purplish, in sort of a netlike pattern with distinct borders. Sometimes livedo reticularis is simply the result of being chilled.

What autoimmune diseases are associated with Raynaud’s?

The diseases most often linked with Raynaud’s are autoimmune or connective tissue diseases such as:

  • Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous)
  • Scleroderma.
  • CREST syndrome (a form of scleroderma)
  • Buerger disease.
  • Sjögren syndrome.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Occlusive vascular disease, such as atherosclerosis.
  • Polymyositis.

How does Raynaud’s affect the feet and toes?

Raynaud’s Phenomenon is a condition in which blood flow to the tissues of the feet and toes is temporarily decreased. The arteries of the toes may even collapse, further reducing blood flow to the extremities.

What does it mean if you have Raynaud’s disease?

Raynaud’s phenomenon is a condition that affects circulation, causing decreased blood flow to the extremities (most commonly the fingers and toes). This can be triggered by several things, including cold weather and stress. Though Raynaud’s does not cause permanent damage, the symptoms can be quite painful and uncomfortable.

Why are the tips of my toes turning purple?

Raynaud’s syndrome is commonly induced by cold weather or stress and can cause the toes to turn a bluish, red or purple color. 19. If it’s not associated with any other disease (known as Primary Raynaud’s) then it’s considered a benign condition and won’t result in any tissue damage.

Why are my toes turning red and bluish?

Raynaud’s syndrome is commonly induced by cold weather or stress and can cause the toes to turn a bluish, red or purple color. 19 If it’s not associated with any other disease (known as Primary Raynaud’s) then it’s considered a benign condition and won’t result in any tissue damage.