Can Russian Blues have white on them?

The coat is described as thick, plush and soft to the touch. The silver tips give the coat a shimmering appearance. Its eyes are almost always a dark and vivid green. Any white patches of fur or yellow eyes in adulthood are seen as flaws in show cats.

How do you tell if you have a Russian blue?

A Russian Blue’s ears are typically more pointed at the tips and set to the side of the head, while a Korat’s have a rounded tip and are set high on the head. The Korat’s head tends to be heart-shaped, and the Russian Blue’s is triangular, or wedge-shaped. Their coats are different, too.

How big do Russian Blues get?

Russian Blue

height 9–11 inches
weight 7–12 pounds
life span 15–20 years
good with children seniors dogs cats families
temperament affectionate neurotic shy

Are Russian Blues good pets?

Russian blues are friendly, playful, family pets that can get along with other pets. These cats are trainable, known to like playing fetch. This breed is not predisposed to breed-linked health conditions and is generally long-lived.

How can I tell if my grey cat is a Russian blue?

Unless you’ve got breed papers on hand, it’s hard to prove that grey cat nestled on your lap is a true Russian blue or a domestic shorthair. Nearly all Russian blues share some traits: a short, dense coat; uniform grey fur, which breeders and fanciers call “blue,” with silvery tipping; and green eyes.

Are Russian Blues expensive?

Think about the costs. True Russian Blues are in fact rather rare, and often very expensive. The average cost of Russian Blue kittens in the US is between $400 and $600. Most so-called “Russian Blues” at shelters are in fact just Domestic Shorthairs, as cats of such an expense would not be abandoned.

Are Russian Blue cats quiet?

Cattime says Russian Blue cats are known for being well-behaved, gentle and quiet. Like most cats, they do best with routines — especially when it comes to mealtimes — and they dislike any sort of change in their environment.

Can Russian Blues be left alone?

Russian Blues can be left alone for long periods of time as they are highly independent. Russian Blues have a thick double coat that needs to be brushed out weekly. This breed is prone to anxiety, so keeping them mostly indoors and away from loud noises is a good idea.

What kind of fur does a Russian Blue have?

It appears silvery grey, though blue is a traditional description for this color. It should be dense, thick, plush, and double layered. If you look carefully at individual hairs, you will find a grey shaft tipped with lighter grey or silver at the tip. The nose of the Russian Blues will be black, and the paw pads will be mauve.

How to tell if a person is a Russian Blue?

The body is lean with fine bones and generally with defined, lean muscles. Notice the eye color. Russian Blues have a distinctive green eye color. This trait starts to develop from 4 months of age and manifests as a rim of green around the outside of the iris, which is the colored part of the eye.

Is there such thing as a Russian Blue Cat?

Cats are not recognized to have a distinct breed unless they have the pedigree to prove it. You cannot claim that a pretty blue cat is Russian Blue if you don’t have the papers to prove it. If there are no paper, that cat is actually considered a Domestic Shorthair, which is the official term for no-breed felines.

Where did the Russian Blue Dog come from?

The origins of the breed are unknown, but it is believed they originated in the Archangel Islands in North Russia. The weather there is extremely harsh in winter, which is why the Russian Blue developed such a thick, plush coat for insulation.