Can soccer cause back pain?

Back pain can be a common, reoccurring injury experienced by soccer players and other athletes. Learn more about the structure of the back and how players can prevent injuries to stay healthy and active on the field.

Can I play soccer with lower back pain?

In contrast to leg injuries and concussion related injuries, lower back pain is typically not a major issue for soccer players. In a 2009 Danish research study published in “The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,” it was reported that playing soccer can actually strengthen the core and back muscles.

Why does my lower back hurt after sports?

Muscle strains and sprains Excess physical activity can cause muscles and ligaments in your lower back to stretch too much or tear. This can result in pain, stiffness, and even muscle spasms. Strains and sprains in your back can often be treated at home: Limit physical activity for a few days.

How do you get rid of lower back pain from football?

Heat or Ice Ice packs should be applied to the lower back several times a day for at least 20 minutes to see beneficial results. After a few days of cold treatment, athletes should switch to heat treatment in the form of a heating pad or hot bath. The heat will loosen the tight muscles that are causing them pain.

Is soccer bad for lower back?

Soccer players are susceptible to lower back pain and herniated disk injuries. In fact, world-famous soccer player David Beckham had to sit out of major league soccer games last week due to pain in his lower back. The lower back supports the weight and motion of an athlete’s body.

Can you play soccer with a herniated disc?

After a slipped disk in one area of your spine, with or without having a surgery called diskectomy, most people recover in 1 to 6 months. You must do exercises to strengthen the muscles that surround your spine and hip for a safe return to sports. Many people are able to return to a competitive level of sports.

Can I play soccer with a herniated disk?

How do athletes get rid of lower back pain?

Treatment for low back pain in athletes is usually conservative, which refers to non-surgical methods. These might include: anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, and exercise. Athletes will understand that exercise is very important in order to strengthen the abdominal, paraspinal, and pelvic musculature.

Should I push through lower back pain?

Don’t work through the pain. “Pressing into a painful position can cause further tissue damage and aggravate [existing] damage,” he warns.

Why my back hurts when I play football?

Weak abdominal muscles can aggravate back pain and cause severe damages as well if you ignore them. Similarly, decreased flexibility limits your movements and the chances of back pain become significantly higher, which is why one should get the best medical assistance for these conditions and avoid any further injury.

Should I push through back pain?

When the pain stops you from exercising it usually is too late. Pushing through your limits day in and day out creates an injury that is harder to heal. While rehabilitation can help decrease your discomfort the best way to treat low back pain is to avoid it all together.

Can a soccer player hurt his lower back?

The lower back is generally not a major trouble spot for soccer players. Extensive reports on injuries by the American Academy of Pediatrics and others note instead a preponderance of leg injuries and concussions among those hurt playing the sport.

Why does my leg hurt when I play soccer?

When the origin of the pain is vague in soccer athletes, the root may be leg length discrepancy; rotation of the sacroiliac joint, which is found in the pelvis; or asymmetry of the pelvis.

What causes back pain after running or jumping?

Stress Fractures. Running or jumping may cause associated pain from the fractured vertebrae. There are several remedies for spondylosis, including resting, avoiding excessive back stretching, doing core strengthening exercises, and not playing soccer for a few months.

What happens to your body when you play soccer?

If you play a contact sport such as soccer, you could experience something as minor as a stress fracture that might heal on its own or something more serious requiring immediate medical attention, such as a disc herniation.