Can Vitamin B12 deficiency cause heart problems?

Macrocytosis associated with vitamin B12 deficiency is also associated with fatal and non-fatal coronary disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, and other circulatory health problems.

Which vitamin deficiency can cause cardiomyopathy?

Rachitic hypocalcemic cardiomyopathy is a serious life threatening complication of infantile vitamin D deficiency rickets which is a growing community health problem, among breastfed infants born to vitamin D deficient mothers.

What nutritional deficiencies cause cardiomyopathy?

Micronutrients deficiency associated with cardiomyopathy Although the deficiencies of many micronutrients can cause CM, the most clinically important ones are coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), thiamine, carnitine, taurine, selenium, and niacin.

Can low B12 cause chest pain?

A low red blood cell count also can cause shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, coldness in your hands and feet, pale or yellowish skin, and chest pain.

Is B12 deficiency life threatening?

B12 deficiency. Delay in diagnosis and treatment resulted in a near fatal presentation of a common disease. The primary care physician should be aware that there is a window of opportunity for diagnosis and treatment; several complications of Vit. B12 deficiency are irreversible if early treatment is not provided.

Is B12 OK for heart patients?

Aug. 19, 2008 — If you have heart disease, don’t count on folic acid pills, with or without vitamin B6 and B12 supplements, to help you cut your cardiovascular risk. That’s according to a new study from Norway published in The Journal of the American Medical Association.

Can vitamin deficiency cause heart issues?

A growing number of studies point to vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for heart attacks, congestive heart failure, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), strokes, and the conditions associated with cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

What vitamins are bad for your heart?

While research has turned up no clear benefit to supplements, consuming too much of certain vitamins can be harmful. Too much calcium and vitamin D are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, Miller says.

What vitamins help CHF?

Many other micronutrients have shown promise in the treatment of CHF including vitamin-A, vitamin-C, vitamin-E, selenium, copper, magnesium, zinc, and L-carnitine [3,4].

Can B12 cause shortness of breath?

Breathlessness and Dizziness If you become anemic due to a B12 deficiency, you may feel short of breath and a bit dizzy, especially when you exert yourself. This is because your body lacks the red blood cells it needs to get enough oxygen to your body’s cells.

How long does it take to recover from B12 deficiency?

Once you begin treating your vitamin B12 deficiency, it can take up to six to 12 months to fully recover. It is also common to not experience any improvement during the first few months of treatment.

What happens if your B12 is dangerously low?

Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job. This can make you feel weak and tired. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause damage to your nerves and can affect memory and thinking.

Is there a vitamin B12 deficiency in heart failure?

Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency in chronic heart failure Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency are relatively rare in patients with chronic HF.

What are the causes of vitamin B12 deficiency?

The main causes of vitamin B12 deficiency include vitamin B12 malabsorption from food, pernicious anemia, postsurgical malabsorption, and dietary deficiency [12]. However, in many cases, the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency is unknown. The following groups are among those most likely to be vitamin B12 deficient.

Why is vitamin B12 called a cobalamin?

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement and a prescription medication. Vitamin B12 exists in several forms and contains the mineral cobalt [1-4], so compounds with vitamin B12 activity are collectively called “cobalamins”.

What should my vitamin B12 level be in my blood?

Vitamin B12 status is typically assessed via serum or plasma vitamin B12 levels. Values below approximately 170–250 pg/mL (120–180 picomol/L) for adults [5] indicate a vitamin B12 deficiency. However, evidence suggests that serum vitamin B12 concentrations might not accurately reflect intracellular concentrations [6].