Can you die from a ruptured spleen?

If you have an enlarged spleen, a less forceful trauma might cause rupture. Without emergency treatment, the internal bleeding caused by a ruptured spleen can be life-threatening.

Why do you die from a ruptured spleen?

Fractured ribs and increased intraabdominal pressure during resuscitation can cause spleen rupture. It happens in about 0.3% of all resuscitated patients. Usually, these patients suddenly die due to the loss of significant amount of blood. A delayed rupture can be present in about 14% of all spleen ruptures.

What are the chances of dying from a ruptured spleen?

The risk of death of intrathoracic bleeding by the spleen rupture is 45 times higher than of intraabdominal. The degree of splenic injury poorly correlates with the traumatic mechanism and the hemoperitoneum volume. The chances of the immediate death is considerably low (OR 0.09; 95% CI 0.0096-0.84; p<0.017).

What happens if your spleen dies?

Splenic infarction is a condition in which blood flow supply to the spleen is compromised, leading to partial or complete infarction (tissue death due to oxygen shortage) in the organ….

Splenic infarction
Specialty General surgery

Can you bleed to death from a ruptured spleen?

The main complication of a ruptured spleen is bleeding and the problems that can come from it, such as cysts and blood clots. Delayed bleeding and spleen death may also result from a ruptured spleen. It is often these serious complications that result in surgery.

What happens when spleen bursts?

A ruptured spleen (a fist-sized organ located in the left upper abdomen) occurs when the surface of this organ is injured, which can lead to internal bleeding. Symptoms include pain in the abdomen and nausea. A ruptured spleen is treated with surgery if the patient has lost a large amount of blood.

What are the side effects of having your spleen removed?

Like any operation, spleen removal carries a small risk of complications, including bleeding and infection. Your doctor will talk through these risks with you. You should be given breathing and leg exercises to do at home to reduce your risk of getting a blood clot or a chest infection.

What happens when your spleen ruptures?

A ruptured spleen is an emergency medical condition that occurs when the capsule-like covering of the spleen breaks open, pouring blood into your abdominal area. Depending on the size of the rupture, a large amount of internal bleeding can occur. Your doctor may refer to a ruptured spleen as a “splenic rupture.”.

What are the symptoms of ruptured spleen?

Signs and symptoms of a ruptured spleen include: Pain in the upper left abdomen. Tenderness when you touch the upper left abdomen. Left shoulder pain, particularly if you also have cuts and bruises on the left chest or side. Confusion, lightheadedness or dizziness.

Can the spleen heal itself?

In some situations which are not severe, a ruptured spleen may not require surgery, because the spleen will heal by itself.

What is splenic trauma?

A splenic injury, which includes a ruptured spleen, is any injury to the spleen. The rupture of a normal spleen can be caused by trauma, such as a traffic collision . In minor injuries with little bleeding, there may be abdominal pain, tenderness in the epigastrium and pain in the left flank.