Can you have a Hydrosaurus as a pet?

The sailfin dragon (Hydrosaurus) is one of the closest things herpetology enthusiasts can get to a prehistoric-era pet! With its dinosaur-like looks and unique physical features, it’s a favorite for those looking for a distinct pet. The Philippines stopped exports, resulting in less availability in the pet trade.

How big do sailfin Dragons get?

3 feet long
Sailfin dragons require lots of room. They easily measure 3 feet long in captivity. Large adult males reach up to 4 feet in length. Females are usually a third smaller than males.

Are sailfin lizard endangered?

Vulnerable (Population decreasing)
Philippine sailfin lizard/Conservation status

Are sailfin Dragons nice?

They are non-venomous reptiles that can be good pets for experienced reptile keepers out there. These species are not dangerous to humans. Also, you can handle them ease using your bare hands. There are some instructions you need to follow in handling sailfin dragons.

Do sailfin Dragons swim?

At the sight of danger, Sailfin lizards will often run bipedally, mainly towards a water source so they can dive underwater. They are excellent swimmers, using their flat tales to push them along in the water. Although amphibious, they obtain most of their food on land. Sailfin lizards are oviparous.

How much is a sailfin lizard?

Philippine sailfin lizards were commonly available in the United States during the 1990s, but today they are now rare and expensive in the United States (costing about $650 for a captive bred juvenile).

Are sailfin Dragons affectionate?

With proper sailfin dragon care and affectionate handling, you can transform this wild reptile in a friendly pet.

What is the food of sailfin lizard?

The Philippine sailfin lizard is an excellent swimmer and has flattened toes that enable it to run across water, similar to the basilisks. It is omnivorous, feeding on fruit, leaves, flowers, insects, and small animals . Males have a larger crest on their back than the females.

What animal eats sailfin water lizard?

Predators of young Sailfins include snakes, birds and fish. Young Sailfin Lizards, like their parents, are excellent swimmers and often take refuge in the water.

How much does a Hydrosaurus cost?

They easily cost between $80 to $650 dollars. They eat vegetables, insects, lizards, and small mammals. Like most reptiles, they use the environment to regulate their body temperatures (ectothermic).