Does Colombia has postal code?

Postal codes in Colombia are 6 digit numeric. The second group of two digits in the range of 00 to 89 encode postal zones, where 00 is used for the department capital. In the range of 90 – 99 it has another meaning.

How do I call Cartagena Colombia?

Start with 011 — the exit code for the US and Canada. Next, enter 57 — the country code for Colombia. Then, dial 5 — the Cartagena area code. Last, enter the local 7-digit Cartagena phone number.

What’s the area code for Colombia?

Colombia/Dialing codes

How do I call Colombia from a landline?

How to Call Colombia from the U.S.

  1. First dial 011 to exit the U.S. telephone system.
  2. Then dial 57, which is the country code for Colombia.
  3. Now dial the local number. For landlines, the number will be eight digits including the area code, and mobile phone numbers are 10 digits long.

How to call Cartagena from the USA?

How to call Cartagena in Colombia from United States: 011 – Exit code when making an international call from United States 57 – Colombian country code for inbound calls 59 – Cartagena city code

Does Colombia have ZIP codes?

The Columbia Zip Code is 21044, 21045, 21046. If you want to send a mail to Columbia City, you should use the 21044, 21045, 21046 Zip Code. In 1983, the U.S. Postal Service introduced an expanded Columbia ZIP code system that it called ZIP+4, often called “plus-four codes”, “add-on codes”, or “add ons”.

What is Colombia’s postal code?

ZIP Code » Colombia » ZIP Code 080001. The ZIP Code 080001 belongs to Barranquilla in the Atlantico department. It is a Urbano ZIP Code and is limited in the north with M. Sitionuevo y M. Caribe, by south with Kr 53 y Ac 72, by east with M. Sitionuevo, and west M. Pueto Colombia. Below you can see the Barranquilla map.

What are international postal codes?

An international postal code is comprised by each country individually. It may consist of numbers and letters, spaces and dashes, in order to direct your package to the area in which you want to send it.