Does Myrtle rust affect Lilly Pilly?

Myrtle rust infects soft, young growing tissues of the plant, and is most virulent during warmer months. Consider removing susceptible exotic species such as lilly pilly and replacing them with resistant natives such as pittosporum. Susceptible plants form a “reservoir” population in which the fungus can build up.

How do I stop Myrtle rusting?


  1. Familiarise yourself with signs of myrtle rust.
  2. Do not move plants known to be infected with myrtle rust.
  3. In home gardens, remove healthy plants susceptible to myrtle rust before they become infected.
  4. Launder clothing, hats and gloves worn during activities in high risk areas before using them in other areas.

Does Myrtle rust affect humans?

Myrtle rust affects the new growth of infected plants. Myrtle rust also makes plants more susceptible to secondary infections, in the same way that people with an immune deficiency may contract illnesses more easily than normal.

Is Myrtle rust a virus?

What is myrtle rust? Myrtle rust is a disease caused by the exotic fungus Austropuccinia psidii (formerly Puccinia psidii, initially identified as Uredo rangelii). Overseas there are known to be several strains of P. psidii.

Who do I report myrtle rust to?

What to do if you see myrtle rust. The Ministry encourages everyone to keep an eye on myrtle species plants and report suspected myrtle rust disease to MPI on 0800 80 99 66.

What trees are affected by myrtle rust?

Myrtle rust could affect iconic New Zealand plants including pōhutukawa, mānuka, rātā, kānuka, swamp maire and ramarama, as well as commercially-grown species such as eucalyptus. Myrtle rust attacks young, soft, actively growing leaves, shoot tips and young stems.

How do you get rid of Myrtle in rust naturally?

Remove and dispose of infected plants

  1. Spray plants. Spray infected and unaffected plants with a fungicide three to four days before removal.
  2. Remove plants.
  3. Dispose of plants.
  4. Remove and dispose of healthy plants as a preventative measure.
  5. If the infection is severe.

What are the symptoms of myrtle rust?

Symptoms. Myrtle rust causes brown to grey spots, often with a red-purple halo on leaves. Leaf spots can be visible on both leaf surfaces. A few days after infection, masses of bright yellow or orange-yellow spores (powdery specks) appear on the spot’s surface.

Why is myrtle rust bad?

Why myrtle rust is a threat The developing lesions may cause a deformation of the leaves and shoots, and twig dieback if the infection is severe. It can also affect flowers and fruit. Infection may result in plant death. Myrtle rust is notoriously difficult to control.

Does myrtle rust affect Feijoas?

Myrtle rust, an invasive fungal disease, affects plants in the myrtle family such as pōhutukawa, mānuka, rātā, ramarama, eucalyptus, and feijoa.

Can Myrtle rust be treated?

Use an approved fungicide Chemical control is often one of the methods available for plant diseases as part of an integrated disease management program. For information on currently registered chemicals for control of myrtle rust, check the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) website.

Where did myrtle rust come from?

It is believed that wind carried spores here from Australia, where myrtle rust was first found there in 2010. The fungus has spread rapidly since the first case in New Zealand was identified in 2017.

What kind of myrtles have myrtle rust on them?

Myrtle rust ( Puccinia psidii) is a fungal disease which infects plants in the Myrtaceae family. Common Australian Myrtaceae species include eucalyptus, willow myrtle, turpentine, bottlebrush, paperbark, tea tree and lilly pilly.

What kind of rust is on Myrtaceae plants?

Highly susceptible plants may die. Different types of rust disease can be found on a variety of plant species, however the only rust causing bright yellow or orange coloured spores on Myrtaceae plant leaves is myrtle rust. Widespread across Queensland.

What to do about Myrtle rust in Queensland?

To prevent the spread of myrtle rust in nursery plants, Queensland nurseries can apply to be accredited to issue Plant Health Assurance Certificates for myrtle rust under ICA-42 Operational Procedure (PDF, 788KB). Be on the lookout for myrtle rust and report it to Biosecurity Queensland.

What kind of disease is myrtle rust in NSW?

In NSW, myrtle rust is listed as a key threatening process. Susceptible hosts such as Rhodomyrtus psidioides, Rhodamnia rubescens and Lenwebbia sp. Main Range have been declared as critically endangered. Myrtle rust is a disease caused by the fungus Austropuccinia psidii (formerly Puccinia psidii, initially identified as Uredo rangelii ).