Does the Bowen technique actually work?

Most of those who turn to the technique suffer from persistent complaints such as backache that conventional medicine hasn’t healed. Bowen practitioners say, though, that it will cure anything from asthma to PMT, from bunions to anxiety. Bowen is a less worrying therapy than bone-crunching osteopathy.

What is the Bowen technique used for?

The Bowen Technique is a recognised hands-on complementary therapy, which many turn to for significant relief from troubling aches and pains and (often) to address long-standing issues, where clients tell us ‘they have tried everything else’.

How is the Bowen technique performed?

A Bowen treatment consists of sequences of small moves at varying pressures, each at a specific site on the body. The treatment is pleasant – therapists use light, cross-fibre manoeuvres of muscle, tendon or ligament with no forceful manipulation. A treatment will typically last between 30 minutes and one hour.

How do you prepare for Bowen Therapy?

  1. Water. Drink plenty of water in the days before your treatment.
  2. Avoid other bodywork. Your Bowen Therapy session will be more effective if you avoid having a massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy or other body work in the days before your session.
  3. Consider what you want.
  4. Client Information Form.
  5. Clothing.

How long does Bowen last?

A Bowen therapy session usually lasts 30 minutes to 1 hour.

How long does it take for Bowen therapy to work?

Initially two Bowen sessions are scheduled a week apart. Clients usually see significant improvement within these two sessions. Additional sessions are scheduled at least a week apart as needed, with most conditions resolving within 3-8 sessions.

Is Bowen therapy good for arthritis?

Bowen Therapy focuses directly on the area that is afflicted with arthritis and brings immediate relief to pain suffers. In many cases our patients experience significantly reduced pain within three sessions.

Can Bowen cause pain?

There is no cause for alarm if you do. These are positive signs that the body is undergoing necessary healing processes. You may feel stiff, experience occasional sharp pain, heat or brief shivers, headaches or even feel a little tired or emotional. Such reactions are usually brief as your body undertakes healing.

What are the side effects of Bowen therapy?

According to anecdotal reports, Bowen therapy may be associated with:

  • tingling.
  • tiredness.
  • soreness.
  • stiffness.
  • headaches.
  • flu-like symptoms.
  • increased pain.
  • pain in another part of the body.

How do you feel after Bowen?

You may feel stiff and achy after the treatment for a couple of days. Do not panic. This is perfectly normal and is your body correcting and detoxifying itself. If you are in a lot of pain please do not rub the area, but take a painkiller, Arnica or Rescue Remedy if necessary.

Does Bowen Therapy help inflammation?

Bowen Therapy promotes healing and reduces inflammation in joints; this is why people that suffer from arthritis find the treatment beneficial. Bowen is a holistic, non invasive and comfortable therapy using gentle rolling movements over specific points.

How long does it take for Bowen to work?

What is Bowen Technique in practice?

Bowen Technique is a gentle soft tissue therapy provided at the Northern Integrative Health Practice in Durham that does not use adjustment or manipulation to gain results.

How did the Bowen Technique originate?

How did the Bowen Technique originate? The Bowen Technique was developed in the 1950’s by the late Tom Bowen in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. After serving in World War 2, he became interested in ways to alleviate human suffering and began to notice that certain moves on the body had particular effects.

What is Bowenwork therapy?

Bowen therapy, also called Bowenwork or Bowtech, is a form of bodywork . It involves gently stretching the fascia – the soft tissue that covers all your muscles and organs – to promote pain relief. Specifically, this form of therapy uses precise and gentle, rolling hand movements.

What is Bowen massage?

Bowen Technique. Bowen massage technique is a light-touch massage that consists of gentle rolling movements and precise pressure applied with the thumb or fingers. The Bowen practitioner manipulates soft tissue to stimulate circulation and accelerate the healing process.