Does Wow still have battle groups?

A Battlegroup is a group of realms whose players can face each other in arena matches. Previously, battlegrounds and Dungeon Finder instances could only bring in players from the same battlegroup, but Blizzard has removed this restriction in US realms and is in the process of removing it elsewhere.

What battle group is Illidan?

Illidan is part of the Rampage Battlegroup. Battlegroups were a feature that determined PvP matchmaking in Arena and Battleground ladders until the game introduced cross-region PvP in Cataclysm.

What battlegroup is Mal Ganis?

Mal’Ganis is part of the Stormstrike Battlegroup. The Stormstrike Battlegroup includes: Andorhal. Anetheron. Archimonde.

What battle group is Bleeding Hollow?

Bleeding Hallow is part of the Ruin Battlegroup. The Ruin Battlegroup includes: Argent Dawn. Arthas.

Are there battlegroups in WOW Classic?

In retail World of Warcraft, you can get by on pretty much any server, despite its population. Servers are seamlessly linked together, connecting battle groups, dungeons, and in some cases raids, guilds, and auction houses as one. But in Classic, you’re heavily restricted to your server.

What are the WOW server groups?

Connected Realms

  • Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Garrosh, Gurubashi, Hakkar.
  • Agamaggan, Archimonde, Burning Legion, Jaedenar, The Underbog, Kargath, Norgannon, Blade’s Edge, Thunderhorn.
  • Aggramar, Fizzcrank.
  • Alexstrasza, Terokkar.
  • Alleria, Khadgar, Medivh, Exodar.
  • Argent Dawn, The Scryers.

What time zone is Moon Guard?

Moon Guard Server Time is set to the Central Daylight Timezone (CDT, UTC -5).

Is dalaran a US server?

Dalaran is a medium population server in the North American region for retail World of Warcraft. Because of the 60/40 faction split in the Alliance’s favor, if you’re an Alliance player that enjoys an active server and a healthy faction balance, this realm is a good choice for you.

Is thrall a good server?

Thrall is a medium population server in the North American region for retail World of Warcraft. If you’re a Horde player and enjoy an active server, this is a good choice….Thrall NA US.

Thrall Data
Locale US
Type Normal
Historical Type PvE
Battlegroup Stormstrike

Are there any battlegroups in World of Warcraft?

With the introduction of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and Rated battlegrounds, battlegroups no longer apply to battlegrounds. Players from different battlegroups can PvP against each other in both random and rated battlegrounds if they are in the same region (US, EU, etc.).

What do you call group of realms in Wow?

Battlegroup. Battlegrounds are shared between multiple servers where their players can engage in PvP against other realms. Each group of realms is called a Battlegroup. Battlegroups were introduced in Patch 1.12 . In Patch 3.3.0 cross realm instances were introduced, and they are connected in the same groups as the battlegrounds.

Can You PvP with players from different battlegroups?

Players from different battlegroups can PvP against each other in both random and rated battlegrounds if they are in the same region (US, EU, etc.). To modify a group, its Template can be found in the WoW Utility Templates category.

Where can I find a group template in Wow?

To modify a group, its Template can be found in the WoW Utility Templates category. Though there is not a current official page dedicated to the North American battlegroups as of yet, players can go Rated Battlegrounds Ladder (US) or Rated Battlegrounds Ladder (EU) and use the drop-down menu to select battlegroups for the rated battlegrounds.