Has Mentor breast implants been recalled?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced a voluntary nationwide recall of certain types of textured breast implants on Wednesday due to their cancer risk. About 84 percent of BIA-ALCL cases are attributed to Allergan implants, opposed to other FDA-approved brands Mentor, Ideal and Sientra.

What sizes do Mentor implants come in?

MemoryGel Breast Implants Smooth Round Moderate Plus Profile

Catalog # Volume Diameter
350-2751 BC 275 cc 11.7 cm
350-3001 BC 300 cc 12.0 cm
350-3251 BC 325 cc 12.3 cm
350-3501 BC 350 cc 12.5 cm

Does mentor make gummy bear implants?

The Gummy Bear implant is currently made by three different companies, Allergan, Mentor and Sientra. These unique form holding implants were approved by the FDA after eight-year clinical trials with each company.

What type of implant is mentor?

MENTOR® Saline Implants are filled with a saltwater solution, much like what’s in the human body. Saline has the firmest feel‡ and a number of options for volume, shape and projection.

Can Mentor implants rupture?

Implants could rupture any time after your implant surgery, but the longer the implants are in place, the higher the possibility that the implants will rupture, or the gel or saline will leak. In our 10-year study, the overall occurrence of rupture* among augmentation patients was: 9.8% for MemoryGel ® Breast Implants.

Do Mentor implants need to be replaced?

Implants are not lifetime devices; therefore it is likely that they may need to be replaced sometime in your life. The time period varies from woman to woman. Some women need replacement surgery in only a few years while others may go 10-20 years.

Do Mentor implants feel real?

Mentor MemoryGel and MemoryGel Xtra breast implants are made with cohesive silicone gel and resemble the natural form, feel, and texture of a woman’s breast tissue. Saline-filled breast implants have a slightly firmer feel than cohesive gel implants.

Do Mentor implants feel natural?

Besides being among the safest on the market, MemoryGel implants also have a high level of patient satisfaction for appearance. This is due to the natural appearance and feel of the implants. The cohesive gel used in the implant gives the breast a feeling far closer to natural breast tissue than saline implants do.
