How are radiators connected?

Radiators are normally connected to a central heating system via pipes and hot water flows through these pipes and into the radiators themselves transferring hot water into the radiator. When it flows back to the boiler the water is in a cooler state, and the boiler then reheats the water.

What is TBOE in plumbing?

This is because it is assumed that the standard valve connections is going to be ‘Top and Bottom Opposite End’ (TBOE), and that the ‘mean’ temperature difference between the water in the radiator and the air in the room will be 60°C.

Which side of a radiator is the inlet?

Radiator Valve Inlet Positions Standard radiators (commonly known as compact radiators) typically have side valve inlets. These are located at the bottom of the radiator too but tend to allow access from the side only (horizontally).

Should radiator valve be open or closed?

Radiator valves, even though they have a handle, are not meant to be closed or half-open. Closing or opening the valve partially, will not control the heat coming from your radiator. Steam radiator valves must remain fully open at all times.

How do you regulate radiator heat?

Follow these 10 steps to balance the radiators in your home:

  1. Bleed your radiators.
  2. Turn off your central heating.
  3. List all the radiators in your home.
  4. Open your radiator valves.
  5. Identify the fastest heating radiator.
  6. Turn the heating off and then on again.
  7. Turn the lockshield valve on the fastest heating radiator.

Which side of radiator is flow and return?

The flow of a radiator is typically on the left as you look at it stood up or attached to the wall.

Does it matter which side of radiator flow and return?

The vast majority of new TRV’s are bidirectional and can be fitted to either the flow or return, but it is always good practice to fit them to the flow side. If a non bidirectional TRV is fitted on the return side it will create a vibrating sound as the water tries to flow though it.

Do you open both valves on a radiator?

You should open both of the valves on all of your system’s radiator when you are starting the radiator balancing process. You will most likely need to use pliers to open the lockshield valve. Once this is done your radiator system should be fully balanced and your radiators should heat up evenly and efficiently.