How can you tell a cactus from a Euphorbia?

Both Cacti and Euphorbias have prickles, but they have different kinds of prickles. Cacti have spines, which are modified leaves, and they come from areoles, which are structures that all cacti have. Euphorbias most often have thorns, usually in pairs, which are modified stems. Euphorbias do not have areoles.

Which Euphorbia is toxic?

The Euphorbiaceae family includes trees, succulents and herbaceous plants. [1] Different species of Euphorbia grow all over the world, either wild, or as cultivated specimens in the house or garden. The milky latex or sap is toxic and may cause intense inflammation of the skin and the eye.

Why is Euphorbia toxic?

Euphorbia marginata and other Euphorbia spp. are in the spurge family. Spurges contain an irritant milky sap that causes contact irritation of the skin, mouth, and GI tract.

Which of the Euphorbia family is a cactus?

There are more than 2,000 species of Euphorbia, including such popular houseplants as mottled spurge (Euphorbia lactea), pencil tree (E. tirucalli) and crown of thorns (E. milii). Cacti are a family, the Cactaceae.

Do Euphorbia need more water than cactus?

They prefer to be watered when completely dry. This is different from cacti, which can go long periods of time with completely dry soil and often do well in these conditions.

Where are Euphorbias?

Euphorbia occupies a very wide range, from tropical areas of Africa (where most of the succulent Euphorbias originate), Madagascar, and the Americas to warmer, temperate areas of Asia and Europe. Euphorbia species can also be found in the Pacific Islands and Australia.

What is the white stuff inside a cactus?

Cactus milk is a white sap that is secreted when some species of cactus are injured. The milky substance is also called latex and it helps the plant heal from physical damage. Overwatering can also cause the plant to release a sap, but it can also be a poisonous secretion meant to defend the plant.

How tall do euphorbia grow?

Medium Height Height to 2.5ft (75cm). Euphorbia epithymoides (polychroma) is an evergreen perennial with mid-green leaves and sulphur-yellow flowers and bracts, in April and May.

Where are euphorbias?

How many euphorbias are there?

spurge, (genus Euphorbia), large and diverse genus of flowering plants in the family Euphorbiaceae, comprising at least 2,100 species.