How deep are the Florida aquifers?

Aquifer facts The Floridan aquifer averages 1,000 feet thick, and freshwater can extend to a depth of 2,000 feet below land surface. Freshwater is thickest in the central portions of the state and rapidly thins toward the coast and the south.

What Is a surficial aquifer system?

Surficial aquifers system consists mostly of beds of unconsolidated sand, cavity-riddled limestone and shells, sandstone, sand, and clay sand with minor clay or silt from the Pliocene to Holocene periods. In Florida, these aquifers are shallow beds of sea shells and sand that lie less than 100 feet (30 m) underground.

What are the 3 main parts of the Floridan aquifer?

Florida is comprised of three main aquifers: the surficial aquifer, which is broken down into the sand and gravel aquifer and the Biscayne aquifer, the intermediate aquifer, and the huge, statewide Floridan aquifer.

Where does the Floridan aquifer recharge?

Generally, recharge is greatest in the northern areas of the District where the Upper Floridan aquifer is close to the land surface and the confining units are thin and discontinuous. Aquifer discharge occurs when groundwater flows out of the aquifer, either toward the land surface or into an overlying aquifer.

What’s wrong with Florida’s water?

Ongoing water pollution and harmful algal blooms, including red tides and toxic blue-green algae, are putting public health at risk and causing massive die-offs of fish, marine life and sea turtles. For instance, cyanobacteria proliferate in the nutrient-rich fresh waters of Lake Okeechobee in Central Florida.

How deep can you dig in Florida before hitting water?

How far do you have to dig before you hit water? You will need to dig at least 30 feet below the surface to find high-quality water.

Where is most of Florida’s freshwater found?

In Florida, most of the fresh water we use comes from underground aquifers. Aquifers are composed of multiple layers of porous rock, such as limestone or sandstone, that hold water. Cities and towns, businesses and agriculture draw much of their water supplies from these aquifers.

Where does Florida get its drinking water?

Florida’s water supply comes from the bountiful systems of rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes, springs, aquifers and estuaries across the state.

Is there water underneath Florida?

The water that is found underground is called ground water. The aquifer systems under Florida provide the majority of the state s water. There are two major aquifers in Florida: the Floridan (the whole state), and the Biscayne (south Florida). The Floridan aquifer is the largest and deepest in the state.

Where is the highest hydraulic head in the Florida Peninsula?

The highest points in peninsular Florida are found along the Lake Wales Ridge, running through the central portion of the peninsula, and the Brooksville Ridge, which parallels the northwestern coast of the peninsula.

Is Florida running out of fresh water?

Florida is running out of drinking water from the Floridan Aquifer, our main source of drinking water which has been relatively clean, cheap and plentiful — until now. The average Floridian uses about 158 gallons per day. Over-development has depleted the drinking water supply in most parts of Florida.

Why is the ocean toxic in Florida?

One of the most well-known harmful algal blooms (HABs) is the Florida “red tide” caused by Karenia brevis, a type of algae that produces potent neurotoxins. The toxins can be suspended in the air near beaches and cause human respiratory illness.

What is the largest aquifer in Florida?

There are two major aquifers in Florida: the Floridan, and the Biscayne . The Floridan Aquifer is the largest and deepest in the state, it stretches for 82,000 square miles beneath Florida and parts of Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina.

What does the aquifer do for Florida?

The upper Floridan aquifer is the principal source of water supply in most of north and central Florida. In the southern portion of the state, where it is deeper and contains brackish water, the aquifer has been used for the injection of sewage and industrial waste.

What is a coast aquifer?

Coastal aquifers constitute a system where the interface fresh water – salt water is in a fragile balance. An important quantity of world population is situated in the coasts, and it subsists due to the use of groundwater.