How do I control the Spin Button in Excel?

Add a spin button (ActiveX control)

  1. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click Insert, and then under ActiveX Controls, click Spin Button .
  2. Click the worksheet location where you want the upper-left corner of the spin button to appear.
  3. To edit the control, make sure that you are in design mode.

How do you use the percentage Spin Button?

Again, set the cell link to cell A1. Now, in cell A2 type the formula =A1/10000, and format A2 using a percentage format and one decimal place. Now as you click on the Spin Button you’ll see that the value in cell A2 gives you what you want – a percentage value between 0 and 5% in increments of 0.1%.

How do you add an increment button in Excel?

Right-click on the button, choose Format Control, and complete the dialogue box.

  1. Check you have the Control tab.
  2. Set the range you require, by using the Minimum and Maximum value fields.
  3. Set the step size (incremental change).

What is a spinner in Excel?

Excel gives us a number of tools for sensitivity analysis. One of these is the spinner. A spinner is linked to a cell containing one of the variable inputs. As the user clicks on the spinner, the value of the linked cell changes.

How do I use the ActiveX spin button in Excel?

On the Developer tab, click Insert.

  1. Drag a spin button on your worksheet. Right click the spin button (make sure Design Mode is selected).
  2. Range(“C3”).Value = SpinButton1.Value. You can set a maximum and minimum by adding the following code lines.
  3. SpinButton1.Max = 100. SpinButton1.Min = 0.
  4. SpinButton1.SmallChange = 2.

How do you insert a spinning button in Excel for Mac?

To put a spinner control onto a worksheet in Excel 2011 for Mac, take these steps: While your form is unprotected, click the Spin Button control on the Developer tab of the Ribbon. Drag diagonally and then let go of the mouse. A two-button control appears as selected on your worksheet.

How do I remove a spin button in Excel?

Select one of the command buttons and press the Ctrl + A keys to select all buttons in current worksheet. 3. Press the Delete key to delete all selected buttons.

What are ActiveX controls in Excel?

With ActiveX Controls, you can control different events that occur when an ActiveX control is initiated. You can perform various actions, depending on the user selection from the list box control, a combo box with items when a user clicks a button.

What is ActiveX control and Form control?

As Hans Passant said, Form controls are built in to Excel whereas ActiveX controls are loaded separately. Generally you’ll use Forms controls, they’re simpler. ActiveX controls allow for more flexible design and should be used when the job just can’t be done with a basic Forms control.

What is a VBA spin button?

In VBA, you can create a Spin button which allows a user to increment a number in the cell in a defined range. Every time a user clicks on a button, the number will increase or decrease.

How do you spin percentages in Microsoft Excel?

Select range and press Ctrl+Shift+3 to format cells as date. (Shift 3 is the # sign which sort of looks like a small calendar). In the properties of the spinner, change the Min & Max fields under the ‘Scrolling’ section to 100 & 1 respectively.

Where do I find the spin button in Excel?

Locate the Controls panel, and the Insert item: From the Insert menu, locate the Spin Button control: Now move your mouse pointer to the top left of cell G1. Hold your left mouse button down. Keep it held down and draw a Spin Button in the cell.

What’s the maximum value for the spin button?

The limits for the Spin Button are that the value is to be a whole number between 0 and 30,000 and the Incremental Change can be any whole number between 1 and 30,000. For now, set the Current Value to 50, Minimum Value to 0, Maximum Value to 300 and the Incremental Change to 10. Click in the Cell Link box, click on cell A1 and close the dialog.

How do you add a spinner to a cell in Excel?

To add a spinner to a cell, click on the Developer ribbon at the top of Excel. Locate the Controls panel, and the Insert item: From the Insert menu, locate the Spin Button control: Now move your mouse pointer to the top left of cell G1. Hold your left mouse button down. Keep it held down and draw a Spin Button in the cell.