How do I do an if statement in PHP?

PHP If-else-if Statement

  1. if (condition1){
  2. //code to be executed if condition1 is true.
  3. } elseif (condition2){
  4. //code to be executed if condition2 is true.
  5. } elseif (condition3){
  6. //code to be executed if condition3 is true.
  7. ….
  8. } else{

What are the 4 PHP conditional statements?

PHP Conditional Statements

  • The if statement.
  • The if…else statement.
  • The if… elseif….else statement.
  • The switch… case statement.

How many type of IF statement are in PHP?

In PHP, there are 4 different types of Conditional Statements.

What are the conditional statements used in PHP language?

The conditional statements in PHP are if, else, elseif, and switch.

How do you end an if statement in PHP?

The if statement will end if none of its conditions evaluate to true or if one of its conditions evaluate to true . The statement(s) associated with the first true condition will evaluate, and the if statement will end. See Wikipedia’s If–then(–else) for more.

What are the 5 PHP operators?

PHP 5 Operators

  • Arithmetic operators.
  • Assignment operators.
  • Comparison operators.
  • Increment/Decrement operators.
  • Logical operators.
  • String operators.
  • Array operators.

Can you have an if statement inside an if statement PHP?

If expression evaluates to true , PHP will execute statement, and if it evaluates to false – it’ll ignore it. If statements can be nested infinitely within other if statements, which provides you with complete flexibility for conditional execution of the various parts of your program.

What does this if else if statement do?

The if/else statement executes a block of code if a specified condition is true. If the condition is false, another block of code can be executed. The if/else statement is a part of JavaScript’s “Conditional” Statements, which are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.

What is end if statement?

Description: The endif command is used to terminate a multiple line if command. The command can either be specified as a single word, ‘endif’ or as two separate words, ‘end if’.

What does if else if statement do?

The if/else statement executes a block of code if a specified condition is true. If the condition is false, another block of code can be executed. Use else to specify a block of code to be executed, if the same condition is false.

Why is if statement used?

In Excel, the IF statement is used in evaluating a logical or mathematical expression and getting the desired output based on the specified criteria. The IF statement works by checking the expression to see whether a condition is met and returns a value based on the output obtained.

What are conditional statements used in PHP?

The if statement – If condition is true,executes some code.

  • The if…else statement – Executes a certain code if given condition is true and executes alternative code if condition is false.
  • The if…elseif….else statement – Combines multiple if….else statements.
  • The switch…case statement – Works like if…elseif…else statements.
  • What is conditional operator in PHP?

    Conditional Operators in PHP. Like any programming language, PHP supports conditional statements to execute specific blocks of code if a statement is true (or false) or some condition is met.

    What is comparison operator in PHP?

    Description. In PHP, comparison operators take simple values ( numbers or strings) as arguments and evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE. Here is a list of comparison operators.

    What is operator in PHP?

    What is Operators in PHP. Operators are symbols that tell the PHP processor to perform certain actions. For example, the addition (+) symbol is an operator that tells PHP to add two variables or values, while the greater-than (>) symbol is an operator that tells PHP to compare two values.