How do I download an EICAR file?

There are two ways to obtain the standard EICAR test file:

  1. Download the file directly from
  2. Use a text editor to create the file: Open a text editor such as Notepad. Copy the following string into the new file: X5O! P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*

What is EICAR txt?

The European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR) has developed a test virus to test your antivirus appliance. This script is an inert text file. The binary pattern is included in the virus pattern file from most antivirus vendors. The test virus is not a virus and does not contain any program code.

How do I download EICAR test files in Linux?


  1. Make sure that you have enabled the on-access scan protection.
  2. Open a Terminal window and log on as the root user.
  3. Type the following command: wget The system automatically connects to the internet and downloads the EICAR file.

Is EICAR test file safe?

The Anti-Malware Testfile This test file has been provided to EICAR for distribution as the „EICAR Standard Anti-Virus Test File“, and it satisfies all the criteria listed above. It is safe to pass around, because it is not a virus, and does not include any fragments of viral code.

Is Eicar a virus?

Anti-virus programmers set the EICAR string as a verified virus, similar to other identified signatures. A compliant virus scanner, when detecting the file, will respond in more or less the same manner as if it found a harmful virus.

Does Eicar work on Linux?

Yes Linux AV such as Sophos check for and find EICAR. EICAR is a test file with a known signature used to establish the fact that your signature-based AV is working. Many certifiers require a positive result for that test. EICAR is so simple it doesn’t need any Windows COM files or anything !

Who created Eicar?

The test string was written by noted anti-virus researchers Padgett Peterson and Paul Ducklin and engineered to consist of ASCII human-readable characters, easily created using a standard computer keyboard.

Who originally created the Eicar test file?

the European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research
The EICAR Anti-Virus Test File or EICAR test file is a computer file that was developed by the European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR) and Computer Antivirus Research Organization (CARO), to test the response of computer antivirus (AV) programs.