How do I fix 301 redirects?

How do you fix a 301 error message?

  1. Check Your Htaccess Files for Errors in URL Linking.
  2. Use a Third Party Tool to Check for Any 301 Redirects.
  3. Backup Your Website.
  4. Check Your Server Logs.
  5. Check Your Sitemap.
  6. Check Any Custom Code Files.
  7. Change any HTTP Response Codes to 200 If You Do Not Want A Redirect.

What is Apache 301 redirect?

Unlike its counterpart, the default HTTP 302 temporary redirect, the 301 indicates the old, linked URL is no longer in use (whereas the 302 indicates the old URL is merely offline temporarily, but is expected to return in the future).

How do I redirect a domain 301?

Basic Users

  1. Go to the WordPress plugin directory and search for “Simple 301 Redirect”
  2. Click the Install Now button in the plugin’s box.
  3. Click the Activate button after the plugin has finished installing.
  4. Click Settings, then click 301 Redirects in the drop-down.

How do I stop 301 permanent redirects?

Remove 301 redirects from your sitemap

  1. Go to (keep in mind that your sitemap URL might be different as there are exceptions).
  2. Use a URL Extractor to download a list of your URLs.
  3. Paste the list into this free tool.
  4. Filter the list with a 301 status code.

What is a 301 error code?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 301 Moved Permanently redirect status response code indicates that the resource requested has been definitively moved to the URL given by the Location headers.

How do I know if my 301 redirect is working?

To test whether you’ve set up your 301 redirect correctly, simply type the customized URL into your browser’s address bar. If everything is set up correctly, you should be redirected to the defined destination page.

How does a 301 redirect work?

A 301 signals a permanent redirect from one URL to another, meaning all users that request an old URL will be automatically sent to a new URL. A 301 redirect passes all ranking power from the old URL to the new URL, and is most commonly used when a page has been permanently moved or removed from a website.

Can you reverse a 301 redirect?

Can You Reverse A 301 Redirect? The short answer is “yes.” You can reverse a 301-redirect, even though it’s technically permanent. The long answer, though, is that this change may not work the way you’d expect or hope, and it could even make your problems worse.

How is a 301 redirect implemented in Apache?

An Apache web server can implement 301 redirects through script code modifications to one of two of its text-based configuration files: either .htaccess (for directories representing separate sites on one server) or httpd.conf (at the root of the Apache installation).

Which is the most common type of 301 redirect?

Apache, Windows/ IIS, and Nginx are the most common. Only Apache servers use .htaccess. To check that your website runs on Apache, ask your web host. Here are some snippets of code for adding common types of 301 redirect via .htaccess:

How do I redirect to a new page in Apache?

Once you’ve used FTP to upload the revised .htaccess file to the root directory of your site, it is ready to go. Use your browser to attempt to access the URL of the page for which you’ve set up the redirect. It should immediately redirect to the new URL as expected.

What happens if you put 301 redirects in wrong order?

The placement and order of code in your htaccess file matters too. You may experience unwanted effects if multiple instructions are placed in the “wrong” order (e.g., redirect chains, etc.). If you’re planning to implement a lot of 301 redirects in your htaccess file, this is something worth looking into.