How do I get a Medicaid provider number in NY?

To enroll in ePACES: All you need to enroll in ePACES is a NYS Medicaid Provider ID number, an ETIN, and an internet address. Contact the eMedNY Call Center at 1-800-343-9000 to begin the enrollment process.

What is a New York state provider ID number?

National Provider ID (NPI) is a standard unique identifier for health care providers. This NPI relates to the MMIS ID and is the most current NPI on file. The name of a provider of Medicaid services as used on official State records.

What is the number for Medicaid in New York?

(800) 541-2831
Medicaid Helpline (800) 541-2831.

What is the Medicare number for providers?

1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)

How can I get my Medicaid number?

There are two ways to apply for Medicaid:

  1. Contact your state Medicaid agency. You must be a resident of the state where you are applying for benefits.
  2. Fill out an application through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

What is a Medicaid ID number?

The state-specific Medicaid Provider ID is a state-assigned unique identifier that states should report with all individual providers, practice groups, facilities, and other entities. This should be the identifier that is used in the state’s Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS). NPI.

How do I find Medicaid providers?

For more information about Medicaid, visit the Medicaid & CHIP page on If you have trouble accessing the Physician Compare website, please call 1-800-MEDICARE and a representative will be able to run the search for you. They can also send you a print version of the search results.

What number do I call for Medicaid?

Find a program by state, or call the Health Insurance Marketplace at 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325).

What is CIN number in Medicaid?

Client Identification Number
The Client Identification Number or CIN is a unique number assigned to each Medicaid recipient. This number is used by the pharmacy and other providers to submit claims to Medicaid fee-for-service (FFS). All Medicaid recipients are assigned a unique CIN even if they are enrolled in a Medicaid managed care (MMC) plan.

What is the provider number?

A doctor’s provider number is issued by Medicare and helps identify the doctor and the location that they are providing services at. These provider numbers are comprised of: Provider Stem = a 6-digit number. 1 Check Digit.

How many digits is a Medicare provider number?

six digits
Provider Identification Numbers. –The identification numbers for providers and suppliers paid under Part A have six digits. The first two digits identify the State in which the provider is located.

How do you find a Medicaid provider?

Probably the simplest way to find Medicaid providers is online at the US website for Health and Human Services. This site allows people to search by zip code, city, and by distance to find people who are currently listed as Medicaid providers.

How can you look up your Medicaid number?

In-Person Inquiry. Stop by your local health and human services office and ask a staff member for your Medicaid number.

  • Email,Mail and Fax Inquiries. Send your inquiry by email,fax or postal mail.
  • Online Retrieval.
  • Replacement Card Order.
  • How do I find a Provider ID number?

    In most cases, the Provider ID can be found by searching for the provider on your insurance carrier’s Find A Provider tool on their website. If the carrier does not show the Provider ID number in their directory, the provider themselves can give their ID number. Provider ID numbers are sometimes referred to as National Provider Identifier (NPI).

    What is the 1 – 800 number for Medicaid?

    1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) is the official Medicare phone number that beneficiaries may call for help with their coverage, claims, payments and more.