How do I get my lipstick plant to bloom?

Grow lipstick plant in a medium to bright spot. The more light it gets, the better lipstick plant will bloom. If you have a lipstick plant that won’t produce flowers, try moving it to a brighter spot. Water lipstick plant enough to keep the soil moist, but not wet or saturated for extended periods.

Why is my lipstick plant not flowering?

Lipstick plant won’t bloom – If your lipstick plant won’t bloom, then it’s not getting enough light or needs to be fertilized. Move the plant to a brighter spot, or add a grow light. If you’ve never fertilized your plant, then try giving it a weak dose of liquid fertilizer to give it a boost.

How long do lipstick plant flowers last?

Flowers will develop in the summer and will last up to a few weeks. Be sure to avoid persistent droughts whilst the plant is in the blooming process. In spring, repot every three years with ‘Houseplant’ compost.

Does a lipstick plant flower?

Lipstick Plant Care – Tips For Growing Lipstick Plants. Nothing brightens up a room like a flowering plant. The Aeschynanthus lipstick vine has pointy, waxy leaves and blooms with bright clusters of flowers. Vivid red blossoms emerge from a dark maroon bud reminiscent of a tube of lipstick.

When should you repot a lipstick plant?

The only time you will need to repot your Lipstick Plant is if it has outgrown its current pot and the roots are filling the bottom. Use a container that is one size larger than the present one and repotting is best done while your Aeschynanthus is actively growing in spring through summer.

Why is my lipstick plant dying?

The most common reasons leaf drop occurs are cool temperatures and also improper soil moisture. Try and avoid cold, drafty locations and keep your plant in a warm spot. Soil that is too dry or too wet can also cause this to occur, so learn to maintain a good moisture level that your plant is happy with.

Should I trim my lipstick plant?

Prune lipstick plant after the plant stops flowering. Blooms develop at the tips of new stems and pruning lipstick vines before flowering delays blooming. However, a good trim after flowering stimulates the plant to produce more blooms.

Does a lipstick plant need drainage?

Lipstick plants need soil that is consistently moist but well-draining. Grow your lipstick plant in a bright location away from direct sunlight. Ideal temperatures are between 65 and 80°F (18 – 30°C) with high humidity.

Is a lipstick plant easy to care for?

Even with its impressive, tropical appearance, the lipstick plant is generally considered a relatively easy-to-care-for houseplant. It’s all about just getting it right in terms of lighting and moisture levels.

How often should I water a lipstick plant?

Spring through Summer: During the active growing season, you may have to water an average of once weekly. Fall through Winter: During the cooler months of the year, the Lipstick Plant’s growth slows, so therefore it requires less water. You will probably only need to water once every two to three weeks.

What kind of soil do lipstick plants like?

Plants in the Aeschynanthus genus need well-draining soil to prevent moisture and fungal problems. Make the ideal soil for lipstick plants by combining one-part regular potting mix, one-part peat, and one-part perlite. This type of lighter soil helps prevent a buildup of moisture.

How do you revive a dying lipstick?

What should I do if my lipstick plant vines lost leaves at their tips? Simply prune off the bare portion of the stem, and cut it back to a portion of the vine that has leaves. New vines will grow.

What kind of pot do you need for a lipstick plant?

If you decide to try your hand at growing lipstick plants for a gardening project, here are some hints to help you along the way: A hanging basket is a good pot for the cascading Aeschynanthus lipstick vine. You can also grow the vine on slabs of wood, but if you do, be sure to keep the plant adequately moist.

What kind of flowers do lipstick plants produce?

Indoor lipstick plants, when placed in a bright location, produce beautiful, small, reddish orange flowers throughout the year. Stressing lipstick plants by allowing the soil to dry out before you water often encourages them to flower.

What should the temperature be for Lipstick plants?

The ideal indoor temperature ranges between 75°F to 85°F, stimulating the growth and flowering. The development of a lipstick plants slows when temperatures reach below 60°F. When indoor temperatures decrease to 50°F or lower, the plant tissue becomes damaged, and leaves could begin to drop.

Is it OK to grow a lipstick plant outside?

There is a high success rate of growing a lipstick plant outdoors for those living in winter-free climates. Nevertheless, a more temperate climate is still good because this flowering epiphyte thrives as an indoor houseplant, primarily when kept at fairly warm conditions.