How do I get the last record in a select query?

to get the last row of a SQL-Database use this sql string: SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE id=(SELECT max(id) FROM TableName); Output: Last Line of your db!

How do I get the last record in SQL Server?

If the table is indexed on the sort column, then SQL will just read the last row of the table. No expensive sort or full table scan is needed. @Sri You would execute SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM table_name ORDER BY column_name DESC and should output the last 1000 records.

How do I find the last executed SQL query?


  1. SELECT.
  2. deqs.last_execution_time AS [Time],
  3. dest.TEXT AS [Query]
  4. FROM.
  5. sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS deqs.
  6. CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(deqs.sql_handle) AS dest.
  7. ORDER BY.
  8. deqs.last_execution_time DESC.

How do I get the latest record by group in SQL?

id category_id post_title The group by will always return the first record in the group on the result set. SELECT id, category_id, post_title FROM posts WHERE id IN ( SELECT MAX(id) FROM posts GROUP BY category_id ); This will return the posts with the highest IDs in each group.

How do I get last 10 records in SQL?

mysql> SELECT * FROM ( -> SELECT * FROM Last10RecordsDemo ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 -> )Var1 -> -> ORDER BY id ASC; The following is the output that displays the last 10 records. We can match both records with the help of the SELECT statement.

How do I see executed queries in SQL?

Use the Activity Monitor. It’s the last toolbar in the top bar. It will show you a list of “Recent Expensive Queries”. You can double-click them to see the execution plan, etc.

How do I get the latest date record in SQL?

1 Answer

  1. select t.username,, t.value.
  2. from MyTable t.
  3. inner join (
  4. select username, max(date) as MaxDate.
  5. from MyTable.
  6. group by username.
  7. ) tm on t.username = tm.username and = tm.MaxDate.

How can I get last 5 records from a table?

  1. You need to count number of rows inside table ( say we have 12 rows )
  2. then subtract 5 rows from them ( we are now in 7 )
  3. select * where index_column > 7 select * from users where user_id > ( (select COUNT(*) from users) – 5) you can order them ASC or DESC.

How to retrieve the last record in SQL Server?

Retrieve Last Record for each Group in SQL Server Example 1 First, partition the data by Occupation and assign the rank number using the yearly income. Next, it is going to select the last record from each SQL Server group.

How to get the last column name in SQL?

SQL SELECT LAST The last () function is used to return the last value of the specified column. Syntax for SQL SELECT LAST () FUNCTION: SELECT LAST (column_name) FROM table_name; You should note that the last () function is only supported in MS Access. But there are ways to get the last record in MySql, SQL Server, Oracle etc. databases.

How does the SQL SELECT last function work?

SQL SELECT LAST function brings back the value of the last data record of the defined column. The type it returns is the same as the Scalar. Note: SQL SELECT LAST function is only supported in the MS Access. Therefore, the following workarounds have to be used to retrieve the last record in MySQL, Oracle and SQL server.

How to retrieve the last record in a group?

Retrieve Last Record in SQL Server Example 2. In this example, we show you how to retrieve the last row in each Group using a subquery. — Select First Row in each SQL Group By group USE [SQL Tutorial] GO SELECT * FROM ( SELECT [FirstName] , [LastName] , [Education] , [Occupation] , [YearlyIncome] ,ROW_NUMBER () OVER