How do I know the size of my Git repository?

If you own the repository, you can find the exact size by opening your Account Settings → Repositories (, and the repository size is displayed next to its designation.

What is repository in redmine?

Repository user-mapping That allows you to map users that have commits to the users in redmine.

How do I reduce the size of a GitHub repository?

Using git filter-branch to purge files

  1. Navigate to your repository: cd my_repository/
  2. Change to the branch you want to remove the big file from: git checkout master.
  3. Use filter-branch to remove the big file: git filter-branch –force –tree-filter ‘rm -f path/to/big_file.mpg’ HEAD.

How big is too big for a Git repo?

Despite the caps, nearly everyone recommends Git repositories to be limited to 1 Gb and keeping individual files under 100 Mb.

How does Git integrate with redmine?

From the project dashboard in Redmine, click the “Settings -> Repositories” tab and then click the “New repository” link. Select the “SCM” as “Git” and specify the path to the repository. In this example, the path will be /opt/bitnami/projects/test. Click “Create” to save your changes.

How big is GitHub?

As of January 2020, GitHub reports having over 40 million users and more than 190 million repositories (including at least 28 million public repositories). It is the largest source code host as of April 2020.

Does Git have a size limit?

​100 MB per file, 1 GB per repo. (These do not apply to files excluded from git, such as data.)

Is there a GitHub repo size limit?

File size limits GitHub limits the size of files allowed in repositories. If you attempt to add or update a file that is larger than 50 MB, you will receive a warning from Git. GitHub blocks pushes that exceed 100 MB. To track files beyond this limit, you must use Git Large File Storage (Git LFS).

Are Git repositories compressed?

Thirdly, Git stores its data as compressed objects, whereas SVN stores them as uncompressed copies. Go into any . svn/text-base directory, and you’ll find uncompressed copies of the (base) files.

How can I clone a git repository in Redmine?

Redmine lets users check repository changes and link to cases. Connect through SSH to the Redmine instance. Clone the remote Git repository, or initialize a new one. Replace the REPO_URL placeholder with the correct repository URL and the REPO placeholder with the correct directory name for the cloned repository. Create a new Redmine project.

How often does Redmine retrieve the description of a repository?

Important: When you first browse the repository, Redmine retrieves the description of all of the existing commits and stores them in the database. This is done only once per repository but can take a very long time (or even time out) if your repository has hundreds of commits.

How to enable the appropriate binaries in Redmine?

Note 2 : the appropriate binaries must be reachable by Redmine : Finally, be sure to enable any SCM you wish to use globally in Administration->Settings->Repositories->Enabled SCM Select the SCM that corresponds to your repository and enter the path or URL of your repository.

How does Redmine work with a SVN repository?

If you have used Redmine with Subversion before, you probably noticed that Redmine automatically fetches the latest commits each time you visit the Repository section. Basically, when you open the Repository page, Redmine contacts the remote SVN repository and asks for the latest revision number.