How do I send a CSV file to REST API?

Loading data via REST API consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepare the SLI manifest.
  2. Prepare CSV files with data to load.
  3. Transfer the CSV files to user-specific storage.
  4. Run a load task.


You can export and import JSON, XML. or CSV files. …

Is CSV a valid Rest response format?

Possible formats include CSV (comma-separated values) and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). One option is not acceptable as a REST response format, except in very specific cases: HTML, or any other format which is meant for human consumption and is not easily processed by clients.

Which data format does REST API use?

The REST API supports the following data formats: application/json. application/json indicates JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and is used for most of the resources. application/xml indicates eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and is used for selected resources.

How do I send a csv file in a post request?

1 Answer

  1. Select the POST method and type the url.
  2. In the Body menu header, click on form-data check-box.
  3. In the key-value form that comes, 3.1 add the key as fisier. 3.2 Choose the type as File from the dropdown near the key. 3.3 A file chooser button opens, click it, borwse the file and upload it.

Is JSON better than CSV?

CSV format is about half the size of the JSON and another format file. It helps in reducing the bandwidth, and the size of the below would be very less….JSON vs CSV Comparison Table.

Basic Comparison JSON CSV
Compact It is less compact as compared to the CSV file. The CSV files are more compact than other file formats.

What is JSON vs CSV?

Data Storage: JSON vs. CSV. JSON: JSON is a data exchange format that stands for JavaScript Object Notation with the extension . CSV files store data values (plain text) in a list format separated by commas.

What is API data format?

The same principle applies when sharing data between computers. One computer has to put the data in a format that the other will understand. Generally, this means some kind of text format. The most common formats found in modern APIs are JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and XML (Extensible Markup Language).

What is API format?

The format is similar to the standard HTTP message transmission format. In practice, you create, send, and receive HTTP messages by using APIs supplied by an HTTP client library specific to your chosen programming language.