How do I set a product page as my homepage in WordPress?

You can also do this from the Appearance >> Customizer >> Homepage Settings option.

  1. Click on Settings >> Reading in your admin dashboard.
  2. Set Your homepage displays to ‘A static page’
  3. Select the page you want to set as the Homepage from the dropdown.
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes.

How do I add categories to WordPress home page?

Category Pages and Menus

  1. Open the Customizer. (My Site(s) → Appearance → Customize)
  2. Go to Menus.
  3. Select the menu to edit.
  4. Click on Add Items.
  5. Select Categories.
  6. Click the Plus icon next to the Category you want to add.
  7. Click Publish to save the changes.

How do I show categories and subcategories in WordPress?

Enter the /%category%/%postname%/ in the field next to the Custom Structure. 10. To see this in action, create a new post and assign it a category and a subcategory. Once you do this and save the post, you’ll be able to see the category and subcategory inside the URL.

How do I set the product page as my homepage?

Go to Pages → Add New. Enter a page title, then place your cursor in the post editor….Set the product as your Homepage

  1. Click on Settings → Reading and select Static Page.
  2. Select your product page from the Home Page menu.
  3. You may leave the Posts page menu default/blank. Click here for how to setup a blog or category page.

How do I add categories to WordPress pages and display pages by category?

Once a category has been assigned to the post, and the post is published, edit the navigation menu to add the category page:

  1. Open the Customizer.
  2. Go to Menus.
  3. Select the menu to edit.
  4. Click on Add Items.
  5. Select Categories.
  6. Click the Plus icon next to the Category you want to add.
  7. Click Publish to save the changes.

How do I show featured products on my WordPress homepage WooCommerce?

Navigate to your products page and find the product you want to have be featured, click the star to make that product be a featured product. It’s really that simple. Once you have featured products set up, WooCommerce will allow you to show all of your featured products by using a shortcode.

How do I show single WooCommerce products in WordPress?

If you want to display a “detailed” variable product (as in it’s single product page) on your home page, you need to:

  1. Create a simple WordPress page and make it your home page.
  2. In that page, within the WordPress content text editor, you will paste a woocommerce shortcode.

How do I make my WordPress dynamic page static?

Steps to Create WordPress Theme from Static HTML site.

  1. Step 1: Create a theme folder and basic files.
  2. Step 2: Copy the styles from your HTML site folder to WordPress theme folder stylesheet.
  3. Step 3: Split up your Static HTML site’s HTML Code.
  4. Step 4: Tidying things up (Fixing broken images & Javascript slideshow)

How to show product categories on the homepage?

Among products and product categories, there are three shortcodes which are particularly useful viz. [product_categories], [product_category] and [products]. The shortcode [product_categories] is used to display all categories of products, while [product_category] is used to display all the products of a certain category.

How to display a category page in WordPress?

In order to display that page, you just need to do some simple steps: When you click View, a category page will appear and you can get a direct link to this page. However, you will see the category base in your URLs, which causes difficulty in getting a higher Google ranking.

How to customize product category page in WooCommerce?

Here are the steps you need to follow to display WooCommerce product categories on a page: Log into your WordPress site and acces s the Dashboard as the admin user. From the Dashboard menu, click on Pages, and select the page you want to display the categories. You can also use parameters to modify what you want to display.

How do I add categories to my sidebar in WordPress?

In menus, go to Appearance → Menus, select categories and click Add to Menus. In the sidebar, go to Appearance → Widgets, then choose the categories that you want to appear in the sidebar and click Add Widget. When you want to show subcategories in the sidebar, drag and drop categories to a Sidebar.