How do sea otters act as keystone species?

Sea otters are a “keystone species” which means that they can exert top-down pressure via predation on sea urchins, which are grazers upon kelp. As urchin density decreases from sea otter predation, so does the grazing pressure on kelp and as a result kelp forests flourish in the presence of sea otters.

Why are sea otters a keystone species quizlet?

Why is the the sea otter is considered a keystone species? The sea otter is considered a keystone species because without the species, it is hypothesized that sea urchins and other kelp-eating species would probably destroy the kelp forests and much of the rich forests and the biodiversity, associated with them.

Why is the sea otter considered a keystone species text to speech?

Sea otters are a keystone species, meaning their role in their environment has a greater effect than other species. As top predators, sea otters are critical to maintaining the balance of nearshore ecosystems, such as kelp forests, embayments and estuaries.

Why does succession not follow a predictable path?

Succession does not follow a predictable path because there are many unique variables, such as weather and available nutrients.

How do Southern sea otters act as a keystone species in their environment explain why we should care about protecting this species from extinction?

Explain how southern sea otters act as a keystone species in their environment. Sea otters prey on the sea urchins, which helps the kelp forests. The sea otters keep the population of sea urchins down, which allows the kelp forests to grow, & helps keeps kelp forests from being destroyed.

Why are otters a keystone species in kelp forests?

The presence of sea otters can protect a kelp forest. They eat large amounts of sea urchins, which keeps the creature’s numbers in check and prevents the destruction of the kelp forest. Sea otters are a keystone species of the coastline ecosystem.

What role did sea otters perform in this ecosystem quizlet?

The sea otters keep the population of sea urchins down, which allows the kelp forests to grow, & helps keeps kelp forests from being destroyed.

How is a keystone species like the sea otter like a keystone block in an arch?

Some keystone species, such as the wolf, are also apex predators. The role that a keystone species plays in its ecosystem is analogous to the role of a keystone in an arch. While the keystone is under the least pressure of any of the stones in an arch, the arch still collapses without it.

Why are sea otters important animals for keeping the diversity of the kelp forest?

They eat sea urchins and other invertebrates that graze on giant kelp. Without sea otters, these grazing animals can destroy kelp forests and consequently the wide diversity of animals that depend upon kelp habitat for survival.

How are sea otters protected?

Sea otters have been protected by the International Fur Seal Treaty since 1911. This treaty between U.S., Russia, Japan, and Great Britain was established to ban large-scale commercial hunting of sea otters and fur seals and to allow their populations to recover. Since then, sea otter numbers have increased.

How do sea otters act as selective pressure on urchin populations?

Sea otters are size‐selective predators that limit the abundance and size of their prey, especially sea urchins (Dayton 1975; Estes et al. As otters move into a new rocky habitat, they preferentially select large and easily captured sea urchins first (Kvitek and Oliver 1988).