How do you beat Phantoon in Super Metroid?

There are a lot of ways to do this fight, but probably the most consistent strategy is to hit him with charged beam shots over and over. If you have all the beams you can get up to this point, the best combination is (SPOILER WARNING) Wave + Spazer.

How do you beat Mother Brain in Super Metroid?

Start by constantly shooting Missiles until they’re depleted, then Super Missiles, then charged shots. Mother Brain will try to walk toward you, giving you less space and pressuring you, but if you keep firing this will ensure that the boss remains back so you can jump and move when needed without worry.

How much health does Draygon have?

Location Draygon’s Room, Maridia
Health 6000

How do you beat the first boss in Super Metroid?

The simplest way to defeat it is to equip missiles or Super missiles, then go into a morph ball. He can’t hit you in the morph ball form, so just focus on dodging the spores. Eventually, he will stop at one side of the screen and open his mouth. Take this chance to shoot a missile into the mouth.

Is Phantoon a ghost?

Phantoon is an otherworldly ghost immune to any attack; anything will simply pass through its intangible body. Its only weakness is hidden away in its mouth, an eye that serves as its connection to the physical realm.

How do I dodge my mothers brain?

Phase 1: Mother Brain will fire at you while she is stationary in a glass container. You have to break the glass then shoot at her with few platforms to stand on and little room to dodge. This is easier if you freeze the Rinkas so that the turrets can’t shoot any more.

Why is Phantoon on the bottle ship?

Phantoon emerges from space outside the Control Bridge of the BOTTLE SHIP to battle Samus once more. These vortexes are created by Phantoon, who has assumed control of the creatures of the BOTTLE SHIP, and has its eye set on revenge against Samus.

Which is the toughest fight in Super Metroid?

Most top Super Metroid runners would agree that Draygon is overall the toughest fight to execute completely properly, especially in runs. Any missed timing during the fight can lead to disaster. Do not become discouraged if your ability to execute the fight well feels semi-consistent at best. Simply keep practicing and learning.

What’s the best way to kill Ridley in Metroid?

The best way to finish Ridley is to just pummel him with Missiles and Super Missiles. Unload all your remaining Super Missiles into him then let rip with either Missiles or Charge Beam shots. The Charge Beam appears to deliver heavier punishment when compared to Missiles, but has a slower rate of fire.

How to beat Phantoon in Super Metroid recon?

After the flames harmlessly pass by, roll over to the opposite corner to avoid the next wave. Keep this up until the barrage ends. Wait until Phantoon becomes solid again before firing (he’ll become solid after dropping out flames while he’s invisible), and you shouldn’t have much trouble beating him.

What to do when Super Metroid stops in a corner?

If it stops in a corner it’ll either emit large sonic beams or it’ll spit out small bombs that spread across the room. You can easily destroy the bombs with a few shots, but for a quick victory go with using Missiles against the statue.