How do you care for Staurogyne repens?

Staurogyne repens is a topical species of aquatic plant that needs a water temperature of between 68° to 86° Fahrenheit to grow, although the higher the water temperature, the better the growth rate. The plant’s preferred water hardness is between 3 and 10 dGH, and the pH range should be between 6 and 8.

How fast does Staurogyne repens grow?

Staurogyne repens is a freshwater plant from the Acanthaceae family; this family contains around 2500 species from countries all around the world….Overview.

Category Rating
Growth Rate: Slow
Maximum Size: 4 inches
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
Water Conditions: 68-86°F, pH 6-8, KH 3-10

Can Staurogyne repens grow out of water?

yes. although if you have some grown submerged (as compared to emersed!) and you are transitioning them to grow above water, they need high humidity at first, so they can adapt.

Is Staurogyne repens a stem plant?

Staurogyne repens is a small stem plant from South America renowned for its low bushy stature, fresh and vibrant green leaves, slow but steady growth, hardiness, and good carpeting ability.

Do S repens carpet?

Staurogyne repens is a great freshwater aquarium plant choice for aquarists of all experience levels. It’s a plant that is easy to care for and does a great job of adding to the aesthetic of your tank. In fact, Staurogyne repens is one of the best carpet plants out there.

Can S repens grow in gravel?

Staurogyne repens is a root feeder. This means that they search and collect nutrients from the sediment where they grow. A thick and bulky substrate would make this task more difficult so it is best to choose a soft substrate (such as fine gravel or sand) that will allow the roots to grow without much resistance.

Does Staurogyne Repen spread?

Propagation Tips This process isn’t too challenging and you’ll find success more often than not, but you’ll want to have an understanding of how they grow and spread in the wild. Normally, Staurogyne repens will simply grow and drop shoots that grow off the side of its stem.

Is Staurogyne repens a carpet plant?

Can you grow Staurogyne repens without CO2?

Staurogyne Repens can do just fine without CO2 but you will find that its growth is much more limited. Takes a while longer to root itself and won’t spread out much but it is still very capable of surviving in your tank setup.