How do you clean a blue tongue skink enclosure?

Monthly blue tongue skink tank cleaning tasks Take all the tank accessories and put them in a bucket. You will need to soak them in a dish soap solution, chlorhexidine, or bleach solution. Leave for 60 minutes, and make sure to properly and thoroughly wash and rinse the accessories.

What do you put in a skink enclosure?

Fill the tank with substrate.

  1. A mixture of soil, sand, and wood chips is usually a good option. If you have a pet store near you that sells reptiles, you may be able to find a substrate specifically for skinks there.
  2. Make sure to keep the substrate damp.

Does a blue tongue skink need a heat pad?

It is important to create a thermal gradient (or a warm side) in the cage/enclosure. This can be done with an appropriate sized Zilla Heat Mat adhered to the bottom of the tank all the way to one side. Ideal temperatures for blue tongued skinks range from 75-80°F on the cool side and 80-85°F on the warm side.

Should I mist my blue tongue skink?

The misting can take place for one second up to two hours. This is an easy way to ensure your blue tongue skink enjoys the high humidity it needs to remain happy and healthy.

How often should you clean a blue tongue skink enclosure?

Re: How do you clean your tank? I generally clean completely every 2-4 months, depending on lots of things. Less in the winter as they are eating less and less active, more in the spring / summer as they are making more mess.

How often should you clean a blue tongue skink cage?

The cage should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected at least once a week. The cage can be cleaned with a mild soap solution and then disinfected with a solution of 1 capful of bleach to one gallon of water. Your local pet stores should also carry a cleaning solution appropriate for reptiles.

How often should I feed my blue tongue skink?

every two to three days
For each feeding, a ratio of 50 percent vegetables/greens, 40 percent protein and 10 percent fruit is ideal. Adult blue-tongued skinks should be fed every two to three days. Young blue-tongues do best when fed every other day. Feed them as much as they will eat in one sitting.

What do you put in a blue tongue enclosure?

The enclosure can be furnished with a low basking log (blue-tongues are not great climbers) or rock, background, artificial plants and a water and feed dish. An absorbent substrate is also important such as coconut fibre or artificial grass repti-mat.

Do blue tongue skinks need UVB?

Blue- tongue skinks require a gradient of UVB within their enclosure ranging from UVI 3.0-5.0 in the basking zone to zero in the shade. The lamp must also be replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions. UV lamps must always be guarded to prevent burns, or injuries should the bulb shatter.

How do I keep the humidity up in my blue tongue skink tank?

Once again, if you have a blue tongue skink that needs higher humidity, you need to raise levels for half of the day, letting the tank dry during the other half. You can turn on a fogger or humidifier for few hours, to let the tank reach higher humidity levels.

Do skinks need high humidity?

Maintaining the right humidity is important for helping your skink shed easily, as well as prevent illnesses like respiratory infections. As a general rule, Australian species thrive around 40% humidity, and Indonesian species require 60-80% humidity.

What kind of enclosure do I need for a blue tongue skink?

Sliding plastic tubs, which are ubiquitous with snake breeders, are not ideal for blue-tongue skinks unless they are relatively large, and provide good ventilation and overhead lighting. On the Reptifiles link there is a setup showing tub enclosures specifically for blue-tongues.

How long does a blue tongue skink live?

Depending on the species, blue tongue skinks generally measure between 15”-24” long, with an average lifespan of 15-20 years in captivity. Blue tongue skinks are rapidly becoming very popular reptile pets due to their general hardiness and vibrant personalities. This care sheet will address the most common blue tongue skink species kept in the US:

What should the temperature of a blue tongue cage be?

Providing a warm side and a cool side will allow the blue tongue to thermoregulate themselves by moving to whichever temperature they feel they need at the moment. The cool side of the cage should be around75-80F and the hot side should have a hot spot of 90-100F.

What makes a blue tongue skink cold blooded?

Blue tongue skinks are cold blooded, which means they need to rely on their environment to produce the correct temperatures. Providing a warm side and a cool side will allow the blue tongue to thermoregulate themselves by moving to whichever temperature they feel they need at the moment.