How do you conjugate lesen?

Conjugate the verb lesen:

  1. ich lese. du liest.
  2. er las. wir haben gelesen.
  3. ihr werdet lesen.
  4. sie würden lesen.

How do you use the word Prateritum in a sentence?

  1. Ich hatte einmal einen Hund. – I once had a dog.
  2. Ich hatte heute Morgen keine Zeit. – I didn’t have time this morning.
  3. Ich war gestern im Kino. – I was at the movies yesterday.
  4. Sie war vergangene Woche bei einer Freundin.
  5. Ich war schon zweimal in Deutschland.
  6. Ich war noch nie in der Schweiz.

How do you form the preterite in German?

Lesson Summary The preterite tense is a simple tense, and in German, it is made with the endings -te, -tes, -te, -ten, -tet, -ten for regular verbs. It’s used for formal written texts, like newspapers and magazines, but also fairy tales and stories.

What do you like to read in German?

Ich mag es Bücher zu lesen.

What are the six forms of spielen?

Verb conjugation of “spielen” in German

  • ich spiele. du spielst.
  • er spielte. wir haben gespielt.
  • ihr werdet spielen.
  • sie würden spielen.

What is the difference between Perfekt and Präteritum?

Usually in spoken language there is no differentiation between Präteritum and Perfekt. Präteritum sounds more formal whereas Perfekt is commonly used and sounds more familiar.

How do you make a Präteritum?

Adding “–e-” between the stem and the ending Just like with the present indicative, if the verb stem ends in: “-d”, “-t” as is the case with “schaden” (to damage). Strong consonant + “-n” or “–m” as is the case with “eröffnen”, “rechnen”.

What is Praeteritum German?

May 2, 2020 | Online German Grammar. Das Präteritum or Imperfekt is the German simple past or imperfect. When talking about the past in spoken German, it is more common to use the Perfekt than Präteritum. Though, there are some verbs and situations where you don’t have an option.

What is German preterite?

The German preterite (or Präteritum) is the first past tense in German. There are three different past tenses in general (Präteritum, Perfekt and Plusquamperfekt) and each of them is used for specific reasons.

Which is the conjugation of the verb Lesen?

The conjugation of the verb lesen is irregular. Basic forms are liest, las and hat gelesen. The stem vowels are e – a – e. The auxiliary verb of lesen is haben. Verb lesen can be used reflexivly. You can not just lesen conjugate, but all German verbs.

How to choose in the conjugate verb choose?

I will choose. you will choose. he/she/it will choose. we will choose. you will choose. they will choose. Future perfect. I will have chosen. you will have chosen.

Which is the best way to choose konjugieren?

to choose. vorziehen. erküren. küren. wählen. aussuchen. auserwählen. auswählen. erkiesen.

When to use es or Lesen in German?

A note for the third person es example above: The word for girl in German is das Mädchen and would therefore be replaced by the pronoun es. In English, we would say ‘she’, not ‘it’. You may have noticed that lesen is irregular. It is a stem vowel changing verb. The e changes to ie in the second person ( du form) and third person ( er/sie/es form).