How do you construct a frequency polygon from a frequency distribution?

Steps to Draw a Frequency Polygon

  1. Mark all the class marks on the horizontal axis. It is also known as the mid-value of every class.
  2. Corresponding to each class mark, plot the frequency as given to you.
  3. Join all the plotted points using a line segment.
  4. This resulting curve is called the frequency polygon.

What is a polygon of a frequency distribution?

A frequency polygon is a visual representation of a distribution. The visualization tool is used to understand the shape of a distribution. Essentially, the frequency polygon indicates the number of occurrences for each distinct class in the dataset. The frequency polygon can serve as an alternative to a histogram.

What is relative frequency distribution?

A relative frequency distribution shows the proportion of the total number of observations associated with each value or class of values and is related to a probability distribution, which is extensively used in statistics.

How do you make a polygon?

The formula for calculating the size of an interior angle is: interior angle of a polygon = sum of interior angles ÷ number of sides. The sum of exterior angles of a polygon is 360°. The formula for calculating the size of an exterior angle is: exterior angle of a polygon = 360 ÷ number of sides.

How do you construct a frequency?

Steps to Making Your Frequency Distribution

  1. Step 1: Calculate the range of the data set.
  2. Step 2: Divide the range by the number of groups you want and then round up.
  3. Step 3: Use the class width to create your groups.
  4. Step 4: Find the frequency for each group.

What is relative frequency polygon?

A histogram is a graph that illustrates the relative frequency or probability density of a single variable. relative frequency polygon. A relative frequency polygon has peaks that represent the percentage of total data points falling within the interval.

How to draw a frequency polygon step by step?

To draw frequency polygons, we begin with, drawing histograms and follow the following steps: Step 1- Choose the class interval and mark the values on the horizontal axes. Step 2- Mark the mid value of each interval on the horizontal axes. Step 3- Mark the frequency of the class on the vertical axes.

How to make a graph of a frequency distribution?

Steps: 1. Draw and label the x and y axes. 2. Represent the frequency on the y axis and the class boundaries on the x axis. 3. Draw vertical bars which have height corresponding to the frequency of each class. Ch2: Frequency Distributions and Graphs Santorico -Page 42

How are Heights represented in a frequency polygon?

The heights are represented on the horizontal axes on a suitable scale as shown. The number of students is represented on the vertical axes on a suitable scale as shown. Now rectangular bars of widths equal to the class- size and the length of the bars corresponding to a frequency of the class interval is drawn.

How is a frequency polygon similar to a histogram?

A frequency polygon is almost identical to a histogram, which is used to compare sets of data or to display a cumulative frequency distribution. It uses a line graph to represent quantitative data.