How do you know if you pulled your vastus lateralis?

Symptoms of a Quadriceps Strain/Pull:

  1. Sudden sharp pain at the front of your thigh.
  2. Swelling and bruising may develop.
  3. A lump, bump or muscle spasms may occur.
  4. In the case of a Grade III tear, a gap in the muscle may appear and you lose the ability to straighten your knee.

How long does a vastus lateralis take to heal?

Full recovery can take up to six weeks or more. For a mild strain or sprain, most people feel better after a week or two of rest. You’ll know your quad is healed when you no longer have pain and can move your leg through its full range of motion. During this time, a gradual rehabilitation program is beneficial.

Can muscle strain cause swollen?

Symptoms of muscle strain include: Swelling, bruising, or redness due to the injury. Pain at rest. Pain when the specific muscle or the joint in relation to that muscle is used.

How do you treat a strained vastus lateralis?

Most quadriceps injuries can initially be treated at home with rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

  1. Ibuprofen may be used as an anti-inflammatory and for pain control.
  2. If the pain is worsening or if a limp persists for more than a few hours, seek medical care for an evaluation.

What causes tightness in vastus lateralis?

What causes a tight vastus lateralis? There are many factors that can cause the quadriceps to be tight. One of the major factors is overuse as we are walking, sitting and standing all day. If you run or cycle for a hobby or sport this can also tighten the Vastus Lateralis.

What is Fibro Malaysia?

Overview. Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain and spinal cord process painful and nonpainful signals.

What signs and symptoms are likely to accompany a moderate muscle strain?


  • Pain or tenderness.
  • Redness or bruising.
  • Limited motion.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Swelling.
  • Muscle weakness.

What type of muscle is the vastus lateralis?

quadriceps femoris muscle
The vastus lateralis muscle, a portion of the quadriceps femoris muscle group, has been the muscle of choice for biopsies because of its mixed fiber type composition, trainability, and accessibility.

Where is vastus lateralis muscle?

The vastus lateralis muscle is located on the lateral side of the thigh. This muscle is the largest of the quadriceps which includes: rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, and vastus medialis.

Is the vastus lateralis muscle deep or superficial?

The muscles are located: superficial: rectus femoris. medial: vastus medialis. lateral: vastus lateralis.

Can a vastus lateralis injury cause leg swelling?

Injury to your vastus lateralis or quad muscles may cause pain, swelling of your thigh, or limited walking ability. There are various treatments available that may help you recover after a vastus lateralis injury.

How to treat a vastus lateralis muscle strain?

However, immediate treatment with a first-, second- or third-degree strain of the vastus lateralis remains the same. Immediately apply crushed ice to the outer thigh area, gently compress the ice with a tensor bandage and elevate the thigh above the heart to reduce swelling. Prior to any other treatment, consult a physician for optimal recovery.

Where are vastus lateralis and vastus medialis located?

The vastus lateralis on the outer thigh is opposed by the vastus medialis located on the inner thigh. These two muscles work in tandem to stabilize the position of the patella in the femoral groove of the thigh bone. When these two muscles are imbalanced or out of whack knee pain can arise causing patellofemoral stress syndrome (PFSS).

What causes numbness and pain in the vastus lateralis?

When this occurs pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in your thigh may result. Iliotibial band friction syndrome: The iliotibial band courses down your lateral thigh next to your vastus lateralis. Sometimes the IT band becomes irritated due to tight or weak muscles, and the vastus laterals muscle may be implicated in this condition.