How do you know which negative number is greater?

On a number line, numbers always increase (become “more positive”) to the right and decrease (become “more negative”) to the left. Numbers to the right are greater than numbers to the left and numbers to the left are less than numbers to the right.

How do you compare two negative numbers?

A positive integer is greater than a negative integer. Therefore, 2 is greater than –4. 3. To compare two negative integers, the negative integer with the smaller number is greater.

What is the rule for negative numbers?

The Rules:

Rule Example
+(+) Two like signs become a positive sign 3+(+2) = 3 + 2 = 5
−(−) 6−(−3) = 6 + 3 = 9
+(−) Two unlike signs become a negative sign 7+(−2) = 7 − 2 = 5
−(+) 8−(+2) = 8 − 2 = 6

What is less than a negative number?

On the number line the negative numbers are to the left of zero. –5 is less than 4, because –5 lies to the left of 4 on the number line. –1 is greater than –3, because –1 lies to the right of –3 on the number line.

What is a number greater than?

Greater than (>) is symbol used to compare two numbers, with the greater number given first. For example: +9 > -6 means +9 is greater than -6.

Which integer is greater than and less than?

Positive Integers

Symbol Meaning Example in Symbols
> Greater than More than Bigger than Larger than 7 > 4
< Less than Fewer than Smaller than 4 < 7
= Equal to Same as 7 = 7

What is increasing order and decreasing order?

What is the ascending order and descending order? When the numbers are written in increasing order, smallest to largest value, then it is said to be ascending, for example, 3<5<7<9<11<13 When the numbers are written in decreasing order, i.e. largest to smallest value, then it is said to be descending order.

What is a number less than?

A number is “less than” when it is smaller. A number is “greater than” when it is larger. Numbers are equal when they have the same values.

What is a negative number greater than?

Is 0 smaller than a negative number?

Although you don’t have to include a positive sign when you write positive numbers, you must always include the negative sign when you write negative numbers. Positive numbers are bigger, greater, or higher than zero. Negative numbers are smaller than zero. Zero (0) has the unique distinction of being neither positive nor negative.

Are all positive numbers greater than all negative numbers?

For any two different places on the number line, the number on the right is greater than the number on the left. Note that every positive number is greater than any negative number. The reciprocal of a positive or negative fraction is obtained by switching its numerator and denominator, the sign of the new fraction remains the same.

Is a fraction greater than a negative number?

A fraction is bigger than a negative number. This is because, a negative number is below zero, while a fraction is greater than zero.

Is decimal number greater than a negative number?

Therefore, a positive decimal is ALWAYS greater than a negative decimal. When you have two negative decimals, the one closer to zero is always greater. The farther a negative decimal is from zero, the smaller its value. A positive number is always greater than a negative number. This also holds true for decimals and fractions.