How do you make a Sphinx document?

Creating the documentation directory

  1. Install sphinx sudo apt-get install python-sphinx.
  2. Add the directory for documentation and the initial files. mkdir $APPDIR/docs cd $APPDIR/docs sphinx-quickstart.
  3. Edit sys.path.
  4. Add some custom features (optional)
  5. Add exclusion patterns.
  6. Add logic to mock modules.
  7. Add logic to mock calls.

What is Project Release Sphinx?

sphinx-quickstart is an interactive tool that asks some questions about your project and then generates a complete documentation directory and sample Makefile to be used with sphinx-build(1).

What is Sphinx project?

Sphinx is a documentation generator or a tool that translates a set of plain text source files into various output formats, automatically producing cross-references, indices, etc.

How do you use Sphinx in python project?

Below is a step-by-step guide to easily auto-generate clean and well-organized documentation from Python code using Sphinx.

  1. Install Sphinx.
  2. Initialize the Sphinx Configuration.
  3. Update the File.
  4. Auto-generate the rst Files.
  5. Build the HTML.
  6. Advanced Sphinx Markup.

How do you start the Sphinx?

It even has a handy installer.

  1. Step 1: Installing Sphinx. You’ll need to install sphinx via pip .
  2. Step 2: Setup your Project with Quickstart.
  3. Step 3: Adjusting the File.
  4. Step 4: Update index.
  5. Step 5: Write Your Docstrings.
  6. Step 6: Generate your Docs!

How do you open a Sphinx document?

Quick start

  1. pip install sphinx.
  2. cd /path/to/project mkdir docs.
  3. cd docs sphinx-quickstart.
  4. make html.

How do you use the Sphinx API document?

  1. Step 1: Use sphinx-quickstart to generate Sphinx source directory with and index. rst.
  2. Step 2: Configure the
  3. Step 3: Use sphinx-apidoc to generate reStructuredText files from source code.
  4. Step 4: Edit index.
  5. Step 5: Build the documents.

Why was the Sphinx built?

Why were they built? The Egyptians built sphinx statues to guard important areas such as tombs and temples. The most famous Sphinx is the Great Sphinx of Giza. The Great Sphinx faces the sunrise and guards the pyramid tombs of Giza.

How do you use the Sphinx in Windows?

On Windows, you should open Command Prompt ( ⊞Win – r and type cmd) and run the same command. After installation, type sphinx-build –version on the command prompt. If everything worked fine, you will see the version number for the Sphinx package you just installed.

How do you document a Python project?

Project Documentation

  1. A README file at the root directory should give general information to both users and maintainers of a project.
  2. An INSTALL file is less necessary with Python.
  3. A LICENSE file should always be present and specify the license under which the software is made available to the public.

How do you open a sphinx document?