How do you open the wooden star puzzle?

To disassemble, begin by holding on to two of the piece on either side of the star, one with each hand. Pull gently and the star should fall apart. You may need to make a slight twisting motion in opposite directions with each hand to loosen the pieces.

What is a hanayama puzzle?

Hanayama is a Japanese toy company formed in 1933. They are best known for their “Cast” series of cast zinc disassembly puzzles, which include reproductions of older designs, and new puzzles by Oskar van Deventer and Akio Yamamoto.

How do you solve a 3D puzzle star?

Slide the piece into the diamond-shaped gap at the top of the puzzle. The center of piece F will rest in the center of the gap and complete the puzzle star. Use a hard, flat surface to keep the pieces from falling over while you are arranging them.

Are there any 3D puzzle solutions for children?

SiamMandalay’s 3D Wooden Puzzles Solution pages: We have a collection of printable PDFs and three dimensional computerized video solutions for every puzzle in our collection. We specialize in providing a collection of wooden brain teasers for adults and children.

How to solve the siammandalay wooden star puzzle?

Connect the space between the lower pyramids to the space between the back two pyramids of the piece on the table. Take the third piece and hold horizontally so that the pyramids face you. Insert onto the back of the piece you have built, using the space between the left and middle pyramids. You have now completed the first figure.

How many pieces are in a puzzle star?

The three-dimensional puzzle star contains six pieces that you fit together to create the final product. While you can combine the pieces together in several ways, forming the star requires not only a specific arrangement but a certain order of assembly. Otherwise you may end up with unfilled gaps in the star.