How do you power up the generator at the castle in Fallout 4?

3 Answers

  1. Build a small generator (skip if you have an existing with spare power)
  2. While in workshop mode still, press SPACE (Y on XB, Triangle on PS4) while highlighting the generator. (
  3. Highlight the Radio Tower, and press SPACE (Y on XB, Triangle on PS4) again.

What’s the best way to take the castle in Fallout 4?

  1. Castle’s surroundings.
  2. Decide what plan to use when attacking the castle.
  3. Kill mirelurks one after another.
  4. Attack the queen from safe distance and use a good weapon.
  5. In the ruins of the castle you will find a flamer and other stuff.
  6. Connect the generators to the radio transmitter.

How much power does the castle need in Fallout 4?

You need 13 power attached to the switched pylon to run the lights and purifier. Or you can scrap that huge purifier. I had a separate water source already so that’s how I finally satisfied the castle’s power requirements.

Can you repair the castle in Fallout 4?

The Castle’s walls can be repaired effectively in build mode using shack foundations. The Castle already has an intricate electrical system, connect generators to the wiring and that should activate wall lights in the interior.

How do I power up the radio transmitter in taking independence Fallout 4?

Power Up the Radio Transmitter Bring up the Workshop interface and navigate to the Power > Generators tab. The radio transmitter requires 10 Power before it can start running again, so you will need to build several generators to provide the transmitter with enough power.

How do you beat taking independence in Fallout 4?

Fallout 4: Taking Independence – Regain the Castle

  1. Meet the Minutemen Near the Castle.
  2. Decide on a Plan of Attack.
  3. Wait for the Minutemen to Get into Position.
  4. Clear the Courtyard.
  5. Destroy the Egg Clutches.
  6. Kill the Mirelurk Queen.
  7. Meet the Minutemen in the Courtyard.
  8. Power Up the Radio Transmitter.

How do Minutemen recruit their settlements?

To recruit settlements, listen to Radio Freedom or talk to Preston to receive information about settlements that have requested aid. Once there are eight settlements, the Castle will come under attack by the Institute, triggering Defend the Castle.

Why is power red at the castle Fallout 4?

I found it. when it’s red it means you have a object that is taking too much of a generators power like the medium generator produces 5.

How do you turn on the power at the castle?

On one of the doors leading to the interior there is a little power pole or relay. Connect a medium generator to that, and it will light up the entire inside of the castle and give the large water filtration unit that comes prebuilt with the castle power. That was it.

Do the houses in sanctuary get repaired?

The walls never get repaired, everything continues to look broken and like they’re about the fall apart. With how much they work on the houses, we should actually be able to see results from their work.

What do you need to power the castle in Fallout 4?

Power the castle. the radio needs 10 watts to power it, so you have to build 3 small generators or 2 med or 1 large and connect the wire to the radio with the space button.

What does taking independence do in Fallout 4?

Taking Independence is a Minutemen main quest and achievement/trophy in Fallout 4.

Is the castle back under the Minutemen control?

The Castle is back under the control of the Minutemen. The Castle is back under our control. The next step is to get the old radio transmitter powered up. The Castle is back under our control, and Radio Freedom can now broadcast across the whole Commonwealth.

Why is there a water purifier outside the castle?

Appreciate it. Part of what keeps catching people off guard with the castle, is that there is a large water purifier in the water outside the walls of the castle. So when you switch the power back on, it’s wanting you to provide power for the radio tower, AND the jumbo water purifier you probably do not know about.