How do you prune a ficus microcarpa bonsai?

How to prune Ficus microcarpa

  1. Every time you count up to ten new leaves, cut sprigs back, removing four to six new leaves in the process.
  2. This will force the Ficus microcarpa to produce new twigs and leaves.
  3. Try to balance growth to keep the plant covered all around, like an umbrella atop the root trunk.

How do you repot a ficus Microcarpa?

Repotting Ficus ginseng

  1. Let the pot dry out without watering for 2-3 days.
  2. Select a pot that is larger than the previous, ensure it drains well.
  3. Keep soil from leeching out with mesh wire and gravel or clay pebbles at the bottom.
  4. Use fresh bonsai potting soil mix to replenish nutrients.

What is the difference between ficus retusa and ficus Microcarpa?

Ficus retusa is a completely different Ficus species. This is a graft of two different varieties of F. microcarpa, one with enlarged roots and another with small leaves, in this case named Ficus ginseng by the hopeful owner. However Ficus ginseng does not exist as a wild species of Ficus.

How do you trim an overgrown bonsai tree?

Use bonsai branch cutters to cut crossed and broken branches off just above the point where they extend out from the trunk of the tree. Cut back twigs so they only have 3-4 nodes. The nodes are the joints that leaves grow out of. Once a twig has 6-8 nodes, cut them down so only 3-4 nodes remain.

How do you prune a ficus bonsai ginseng?

Ginseng ficus pruning isn’t difficult. The art of bonsai is to trim and shape the tree with your own aesthetic in mind. In terms of how much to trim, the general rule is to take off two to three leaves for every six new leaves that grow and develop. Always leave two or three leaves on a branch at least.

How do you defoliate a ficus bonsai tree?

How to defoliate a Bonsai tree. Cut the leaves using a twig shears, leaving the leaf-stalk intact. Using the right Bonsai tools, like a leaf cutter, will help significantly.

When to prune a Ficus microcarpa bonsai tree?

Spring is when you can go heavy on the pruning. Cut branches back by a third or even half. If you dislike shoots that may be sprouting from below the graft joint, cut them off as entirely. Seasonal pruning is more suited to Ficus microcarpa trees that you’re training into a bonsai with wires.

What should I do if my Ficus microcarpa is not growing?

This will force the Ficus microcarpa to produce new twigs and leaves. Try to balance growth to keep the plant covered all around, like an umbrella atop the root trunk. Rotate the plant to even growth out every time you prune. Only prune as leaves grow. If the plant isn’t making new leaves, don’t prune.

Why do you need to prune a bonsai tree?

Pruning bonsai is an important part of maintaining your tree. It helps to keep the shape, size and health in check for both you and your tree. There are many ways to prune a bonsai but we will focus on the easiest way that gives you good results with little effort.

How do you prepare a ficus ginseng bonsai?

When preparing the usual “ Ficus ginseng ” bonsai, each Ficus microcarpa plant is pulled out of the soil to expose the roots. The long, spindly stem is cut off just above the thick bunch of roots. Roots are cleaned and then gently set atop fresh soil mix.