How do you remove plaque from braces?

Either a soft-bristle or a bi-level toothbrush (one with longer bristles on the edges and shorter ones in the middle) can be effective in plaque removal — even with braces. An electric toothbrush can also be used, on a moderate setting. For hard-to-clean areas, try an interdental brush, or proxabrush.

Why do I have so much plaque with braces?

It also isn’t the braces themselves that stain teeth. However, they do make it easier for plaque to build up, because the wires and brackets provide numerous nooks and crannies where bacteria and food particles can hide, making cleaning more difficult.

Can you get tartar removed with braces?

In fact, tartar can only be removed by a dental professional–you can’t get rid of it with regular brushing and flossing. Tartar removal is one of the reasons that visiting your dentist every six months is so important!

How do you remove hardened plaque?

Floss, floss, floss. No matter how good you are with a toothbrush, dental floss is the only way to remove plaque between your teeth and keep tartar out of these hard-to-reach areas. Rinse daily. Use an antiseptic mouthwash daily to help kill bacteria that cause plaque.

Can my orthodontist remove plaque?

In that case, you will have to see an orthodontic specialist and have the brackets removed, repair any cavities, remove plaque, reglue the brackets, and replace the wires. When proper oral hygiene is not maintained, it leads to the formation of bacteria in your mouth.

Can orthodontist remove plaque?

Your dentist can carry out professional cleaning and polishing to remove plaque and tartar. Your orthodontist is a specialist in correcting teeth alignment and related orthodontic challenges, so you still need to see your regular dentist whilst you’re having orthodontic treatment.

How do you remove tartar from braces at home?

You can also use a floss threader, which will get the floss underneath the wire of your braces. Flossing will help keep plaque at bay and you should be doing it every day – after brushing, especially. Always rinse with water after flossing. Using an antibacterial mouthwash is also helpful.

What’s the difference between plaque and tartar?

Tartar is what accumulates on your teeth when plaque is not removed. If plaque is left on your teeth for too long, it will harden into tartar and is much more difficult to remove. In fact, tartar can only be removed by a dental professional–you can’t get rid of it with regular brushing and flossing.

Is it hard to clean teeth with braces?

Braces increase the likelihood of plaque buildup because the brackets and wires attract food debris and create a shelf around the outside of teeth that make them harder to clean.

How to get rid of plaque while wearing braces?

Your toothbrush should be soft bristled and your toothpaste should have fluoride in it. Brushing willy-nilly isn’t the greatest idea either. Use small, round motions and make sure you get those bristles under your gum line and in between each brace. Spend time on every tooth, brushing downwards on the upper teeth and up on the lower ones.

What happens to your teeth when you wear braces?

The chief concern is that plaque (a mixture of food and bacteria) can damage the teeth. Cavities associated with poor oral hygiene with braces in place is less common than it used to be thanks to fluoride. However, what is more commonly seen, is decalcification of the enamel.

Can you get cavities with braces in place?

Cavities associated with poor oral hygiene with braces in place is less common than it used to be thanks to fluoride. However, what is more commonly seen, is decalcification of the enamel.

What’s the best way to clean a set of braces?

Hydrogen peroxide is an all-natural solution that provides a way to whiten teeth when you have braces and it’s great when you need to clean partial dentures or a full set. Hydrogen peroxide quickly passes into a tooth, allowing the liquid to break down complex harmful molecules that reside on a tooth’s surface.