How do you solve undefined reference to POW in C?

otherwise you will get undefined reference to pow error, when you compile below program with no -lm option. To fix this issue, need to use -lm option in compilation command. C program provides expected output when running a. out file once you compiled the program with -lm option.

Why is pow not working in C?

When it doesn’t work, is because the pow function is included in the math library and the math library isn’t linked with your binary by default.

How do you solve an undefined reference to POW?

To fix this problem ensure following points:

  1. Include header file math. h in your program.
  2. Add –lm linker flag with compilation command.

Where is pow defined in C?

pow() function in C It returns the power raised to the base value. It is declared in “math. h” header file.

How do Makefiles work?

The make utility requires a file, Makefile (or makefile ), which defines set of tasks to be executed. You may have used make to compile a program from source code. Most open source projects use make to compile a final executable binary, which can then be installed using make install .

What is lm in GCC?

-lm : This command link math. h library to our source file, -l option is used for linking particular library, for math. h we use -lm. gcc -Wall source.c -o opt -lm.

What is an undefined symbol?

A symbol remains undefined when a symbol reference in a relocatable object is never matched to a symbol definition. Similarly, if a shared object is used to create a dynamic executable and leaves an unresolved symbol definition, an undefined symbol error results.

What does undefined reference to WinMain mean?

It means you’re building your program as a 16-bit windows executable. WinMain() is the traditional start point for windows programs (rather than main() which is standard C) and WinMain@16 is that name as adorned when compiling and linking to produce a 16 bit windows program.

How do you use math h in GCC?

If you are compiling on the command-line with the gcc or g++ command, you would accomplish this by putting -lm at the end of the command. If you are going to compile a C program with math. h library in LINUX using GCC or G++ you will have to use –lm option after the compile command.