How do you teach past progressive in fun way?

7 Speedy Activities for Teaching the Past Progressive

  1. The Luck of the Draw. Write several past times on small slips of paper and put them in a hat.
  2. People Watching.
  3. Memory Challenge.
  4. What You Didn’t Do.
  5. My Alibi.
  6. Strange Explanations.
  7. So Much In Common.

What are you doing in past continuous?

The past continuous tense is written with the past tense of the auxiliary verb be (was/were) and with the –ing (present participle) form of the main verb. We can use past continuous tense to talk about an action or event in the past that was interrupted by something.

What is an example of past progressive?

The past progressive tense is used to describe an ongoing activity in the past. For example: John was baking a cake. They were painting the fence.

Why do we use the past progressive?

The Past Progressive is used when we talk about something which was happening at a special time in the past. It is also called Past Continuous.

Are there any past progressive worksheets for elementary students?

Right now, there are 216 Past Progressive worksheets listed with more being added regularly by busy teachers just like you. Some worksheets combine more than one tense while others focus solely on the past continuous. This worksheet for elementary students is for practicing the past simple and past continuous tenses.

How to practice the past perfect progressive tense?

You can use a simple game of charades to practice the past perfect progressive tense with your ESL students. Ask one person to come to the front of the class and act out a daily activity (you can assign one or have the student choose his own) while the rest of the class keeps their eyes closed.

How to play Past Continuous games in class?

Here is an entertaining free past continuous game for students to play in class. Divide the students into four teams. One student from the first team goes out of the classroom. Give each student in the class an activity card. Everyone starts miming or doing the action on their card and the student outside comes in.

How does the past continuous worksheet help students?

This past continuous worksheet helps students learn and practice three ways the tense is used. Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet. After reading through the grammar introduction, students do a gap-fill exercise where they complete sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.