How do you use death knell in a sentence?

a bell rung to announce a death.

  1. The loss of Georgia would sound the death knell of Republican hopes.
  2. The revolution tolled the death knell for the Russian monarchy.
  3. The arrival of large supermarkets sounded the death knell of many small local shops.
  4. The tax increase sounded the death knell for the business.

What does the phrase death knell mean?

1 : passing bell. 2 : an action or event presaging death or destruction the coming of the power press was the death knell of the hand press.

How do you say death knell?

Break ‘death knell’ down into sounds: [DETH] + [NEL] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying ‘death knell’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.

Will be the death knell?

If you say that something sounds the death knell for a particular person or thing, you mean it will cause that person or thing to fail, end, or cease to exist. It’s going to be the death knell of the red deer.

How do you get death knell set?

Most set bonus items, like the Death Knell set, can be purchased from the Tech Fragment vendors in the supplies section of the fleet. This set also has the potential to drop for Jedi Consulars and Sith Inquisitors who complete their weekly Conquest missions.

Is knell or nail dead?

“Death nail” is a result of confusing two expressions with similar meanings. The first is “death knell.” When a large bell (like a church bell) rings—or tolls—it knells. When a bell is rung slowly to mark the death of someone, it is said to sound the death knell.

Will sound the death knell?

Definition of ‘to sound the death knell’ If you say that something sounds the death knell for a particular person or thing, you mean it will cause that person or thing to fail, end, or cease to exist.

Is death knell an idiom?

Something that indicates impending failure, as in His low scores sounded the death knell for his ambitions. The noun knell, used for the ringing of a bell since at least a.d. 1000, is rarely heard today except in this figurative phrase.

How is the word’death knell’used in a sentence?

Most feel that failure to diversify and a complacency born of the plant’s long history have sounded its death knell. Flagging passion is often interpreted as the death knell of a relationship. But the very existence of Michelin-starred Indian restaurants may signal the death knell of flock wall-paper, lager and an onion bhaji.

Can a ringed seal be a death knell?

The death knell could also be sounded for other species dependent on the ice, such as the ringed seal, bearded seal and little auk. An appearance on this register would toll the death knell for an architects’ career.

Can a teaspoon be the death knell for a relationship?

If you drink your tea black and sugar free then it could be the death knell for teaspoons in your house. Most feel that failure to diversify and a complacency born of the plant’s long history have sounded its death knell. Flagging passion is often interpreted as the death knell of a relationship.