How does a fan dipole antenna work?
Operation of HF multiband fan dipole The way in which the HF multi-band fan dipole operates is that each dipole presents a low impedance at the feed point at its resonant frequency. As the frequency moves away from the resonant frequency of one dipole, its impedance increases and it does not absorb power.
Does a fan dipole need a balun?
Yes you do want to install a balun. It’ll keep the RF where you want it – on the dipole legs.
What is a fan dipole antenna?
The Fan Dipole Antenna also known as “Parallel Dipole Antenna” or “Fanned Dipole Antenna” is a multi-band wire antenna tha can be very easy to build. When the signal is transmitted, only the element resonating for that band is seen by your radio, basically because the other dipoles present an higher impedance.
Do you ground a dipole antenna?
Therefore, a dipole antenna requires two parts in order to radiate and the amount of radiation will be proportional to the dipole current. Note also from Figure 2 that, a dipole does not require a “ground” to work. A good analogy is to consider what happens when we clap our hands.
What is a fan dipole?
Fan Dipole. Full-Size Fan dipoles are multi dipoles that are fed with a common feed point. The full-size dipoles are spread out like a fan, hence the name Fan Dipole.
What is a multiband dipole antenna?
A multiband dipole antenna, also called a doublet or half-wave dipole, is a radio antenna of electrically conducting rod or wire that is one-half a wavelength long. Split at the center with an insulator, the wire connects to a transmission line that has a radiation pattern with a maximum at right angles to the antenna.
What is a trap dipole antenna?
Trapped Dipole Radio Antennas. A “trap” is a coil and capacitor in parallel having a very high impedance at its resonant frequency. If a trap is inserted at some point along an antenna conductor, that part of the antenna beyond the trap is isolated from the active part and the feedpoint.
Is HF a dipole dipole?
HF wire dipole: The dipole was widely used as a wire antenna at MF and HF where its performance enabled signals to be transmitted and received on these frequencies. Even today the wire dipole is frequently used for HF transmitting as in the case of amateur radio, etc.