How far apart should T posts be?

8 to 12 feet
Guidelines for T-Post Spacing The writers from Civiconcepts provide an overview of T-posts and fencing in general, in which they determine that 8 to 12 feet apart between corner posts is okay.

How far apart should fence posts be for horses?

Space line posts about 10 to 12 feet apart for most fences (25 feet for high-tensile wire fences). Narrow spacings are better over irregular ground and in contour fences. Rail fences normally have post spacings of 8 to 10 feet.

Can fence posts be 10 feet apart?

Typical spacing is right around 8 feet between each post however different circumstances may call for different measurements and it is not uncommon to have spacing between posts reach up to 10 feet. Once you have a rough idea of your post layout start by digging your first hole.

How far apart should fence posts be for dogs?

Line posts should be placed about 15 to 20 feet (4.5 to 6 meters) apart. You can use spray paint to mark where to dig the holes for these posts.

Can you use T posts for chain link fence?

Chain link fencing can be installed with T-posts. The chain link goes over them and is attached to the posts. Chain link can also be installed with T-posts. These posts are typically used to install smaller chicken wire and garden fencing, but can be used to install chain link.

Does chain link fence need tension wire?

Chain Link Tension Wire Installation. Tension wire is an important part of chain link fencing. It secures the bottom and top of your chain link fence to ensure the chain links remain tight to the posts and rails.

Is barbed wire fencing OK for horses?

Barbed wire should not be used for horses, and electric fencing alone is not recommended for perimeter fences. However, because horses are sensitive to electric shock, they can be easily trained to respect electric fences.

Is chain link fence good for horses?

A safe horse fence is the one that is free of hazards, durable, highly visible, and strong. Because of this reason, chain link fencing is not the best fencing material for horse pastures. Most horse pastures use wood fencing.

What should the spacing be on a barbed wire fence?

Proper Spacing. You will want to figure in a fence post every 4 feet to ensure that it remains stable when pressure is applied to it from either side. Your barbed wire fence should have this even spacing between the posts as it does help in providing stability in its structure.

How far apart do you put chain link posts?

Chain link fences do not catch the wind as much as some other types of fences. Because of this (and despite the flimsy nature of chain link), line posts may be spaced up to but no further than 10 feet apart.

How to calculate line spacing on chain link fence?

With the height “H” of the fence known, the only variable that needs to be established to set the total gross area “Ag” of the panel is the line post spacing “S”. The values of “S” were generated based on the loading applied to the post as a vertical cantilever, in a similar fashion as the “classic” flagpole design.

What does it mean to stretch a chain link fence?

Chain link is ‘stretched’ from end post to end post (gate posts or corner posts serve as end posts for this purpose). The most common mistake is to ignore the fact that a gate, if positioned within one line of fence, creates two individual stretches, one on each side of the gate.